Chapter 587

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Yvette was furious. "You don not appreciate the chances given to you. You want to offer your life? Fine, you shall die then."

She shoved a dagger into Darryl's hand.

Yvette did not mean to execute him; she was just furious.

Darryl pleaded sourly. "Princess, please allow me to die two days later."

Yvonne was still waiting for him to rescue her. He could not die before getting the Phoenix Pill.

"You!" Yvette's face was scarlet red as she stomped her feet. "You owe me a favor, hence I have asked you to join the New World in return, but you have rejected. I gave you an option to die, yet you disagree. You are the Sect Master of the Elysium Gate, and you are also the one not keeping your word."

Darryl felt conflicted. "I declared that I would destroy the Kunlun Sect in three days." he explained. "After I obtain the Phoenix Pill and rescue Yvonne, I am all yours. You can kill me then. I will never go back on my words."


Yvette was stunned for a few seconds before she burst into laughter.

"Darryl, are you crazy? Although the Elysium Gate's power improved substantially recently, you only have a few thousands followers. Kunlun Sect has thousands of years and generations of history, with tens of thousands of followers. How would Elysium Gate be able to destroy Kunlun Sect?"

Yvette laughed again. How childish and foolish could Darryl be?

Darryl was not affected by her words. He smiled calmly and assured "You don't have to worry about that. The most important thing is that after I destroy the Kunlun Sect and rescue Yvonne, I will agree with whatever demands you have."

"What a lie!" Yvette exclaimed, but she did not want to discuss it further. "This place here is safe. Both Dax and you can take a good rest here to recover." she calmly offered "You can stay here since you are Lilybud's husband. Also, these spiritual herbs would help you to recover."

A bunch of herbs appeared in Yvette's hand. They looked red and fresh.

Darryl sighed in relief. He smiled and took the spiritual herbs. "Thank you, Princess."

It was best for them to stay put since Dax was still unconscious.

The private residence was massive and had many rooms. Darryl would be staying in one of the guestrooms. Once he arrived in his room, he quickly took out his cellphone and sent Chester a text.

A simple text that read, 'Brother Chester, help me destroy Kunlun.'

Darryl went on to sleep after he sent the text.

The entire residence was in complete silence in the middle of the night. Darryl was in deep sleep when he heard a knock on the door.

Darryl ran towards the door quickly, hoping that it was Dax.

Darryl was surprised to see Yvette at the door instead. She looked alluring under the moonlight.

"Princess, is there anything I can do for you?" Darryl asked. Why was she there in the middle of the night?

Yvette entered the room with a smile and locked the door behind her. She bit her lip as she asked "Darryl, back at the Wishing Star Tower earlier, how did you alter the formation to make me itch all over my body? Can you... can you teach me, please?"

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