Chapter 534

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"Our child... It's really true?" Darryl was pleasantly surprised and could not express himself through words. He was suddenly enveloped in happiness!

"It's true, you can feel for yourself if you don't believe me." Monica blushed as she took Darryl's hand and placed it on her abdomen.

Monica felt something was off for quite some time since her last period had been a while. She finally took a pregnancy test and it turned out she was indeed pregnant.

Monica had been married to the Cult Master for so many years but they did not consummate their marriage and the only person she had relations with was Darryl. It could be said that Darryl was the first and only man that she had ever been with.

Monica recently missed Darryl a lot, so she sent the two Guardian Kings to seek him out.

Darryl's hand was currently on the Cult Mistress's abdomen and Darryl's entire body trembled at that moment!

Darryl's Martial Marquis rank allowed him to clearly feel a faint lifeforce within Monica's abdomen. He could still feel it despite how faint it was.

Monica was really pregnant!

Darryl was thrilled beyond measure as he held onto Monica's hand. "Am... Am I about to become a father?"

Monica closed her eyes and smiled as her head rested on Darryl's shoulder. "Yes, you're going to be a father..."

Darryl was extremely excited and tightly hugged Monica while his entire body trembled from the excitement! Both of them continued to remain silent as they enjoyed each other's warmth at that moment.

After quite some time, Darryl took a deep breath and suddenly pulled Monica's hand as he headed toward the door!

"What... What are you doing?" Monica gently asked.

Darryl tenderly looked at Monica and said "You're with my child. Why're we still staying here? I'm leaving Elysian Island with you."

Monica exclaimed "Nonsense! Darryl, don't be stupid. Where will we even go. If I leave with you? Grandmaster Heaven Cult disciples are everywhere. They'll very quickly find us and we'll have nowhere to run after that!"

Darryl was nervous upon hearing her words. "What should we do then? You can hide it for now but it'll be impossible to hide your bulging belly a few months later!"

The Cult Master would surely question it when Monica's belly become big. When the truth about Monica's pregnancy is revealed, she would be in grave danger.

At that moment, Monica softly said "Don't worry, I've already thought of a plan."

She gently sighed and continued "Darryl, I need to mention another matter before telling you the plan."

Monica paused for a moment and continued. "According to reliable sources, the New World is very ambitious and might perhaps soon invade our World Universe. The New World Emperor sent an envoy half a month ago to convince Grandmaster Heaven Cult to pledge allegiance to the New World."

Darryl could not help but ask "What did the Cult Master say? Is he pledging or not?"

Monica nodded her head. "The Cult Master had agreed to pledge his allegiance."


Darryl was stunned. How could the Cult Master agree to that!? Would it not be traitorous to pledge allegiance to the New World!?

Monica continued "The New World's envoy said that so long Grandmaster Heaven Cult willingly pledges our allegiance, the New World Emperor would bestow the Prime Minister title to him once he ruled over the World Universe. The Cult Master will be second only to the Emperor while being above all others! Grandmaster Heaven Cult will also become the Official Guardian Cult."

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