Chapter 573

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Darryl was furious. Just as he was about to speak, a voice came from the door.

"Master Darby, our Master is inviting you and Dax to dine with him in the main hall."

"I'll be right there." Darryl replied.

Darryl took a deep breath. He looked at Megan and explained "I admit, Chester and I are close. I'll admit that I am also a Hall Master of the Eternal Life Palace, but we never did any evil or harm anyone. We lived an honest life. You'll sleep here tonight. You'll take the bed, and I'll take the floor. I'll untie you when I get back later. Dax and I are leaving for Donghai City tomorrow, so we'll bring you along."

Darryl walked out of the room.

"Darryl, you bastard..."

Darryl could hear Megan's cries. Darryl loathed Abbess Mother Serendipity. Chester must have capture Megan to blackmail her, and he definitely would not let her go that easily. Darryl ignored her as he made his way to the main hall.

The main hall was magnificent. All the furniture was amde out of Golden-thread Nanmu.

As he entered the main hall, he could hear Dax and Chester chatting and laughing. They already started drinking.

"I did not know Brother Dax was so powerful! I admire you!" Chester laughed and lifted the glass to him.

"Brother Chester, stop praising me. My ranks were all thanks to Master Webb." Dax downed his glass of wine.

They already had a few drinks when they saw Darryl. Chester waved at Darryl and asked "Darryl, why were you so slow? Come here quick."

Chester felt much better. Although Callum's death was devastating, he still had to continure living. If he could not get a grip of himself, how could he lead the Eternal Life Palace?

Darryl and Dax came from far away. Ofcourse, he had to prepare a feast for them, especially since he had not seen Darryl in a long time. They had to drink till they dropped.

Usually, when there were guests, it was a norm for them to arrange courtesans. However, they forewent those customs since Callum Webb ha just passed.

Darryl still laughed and sat with them at the table, even though he was furious about Megan. He was about to take a sip when he realized something odd about Chester. His powers increased!

"Chester, are you Level Five Master now?" Darryl was stunned.

What happened? How did he level up so fast?

During the day, he was just a Level One Master. However, in a few hourse, he rose four levels.

Chester smiled. "Haha! Brother, let me tell you. Here in the Eternal Life Palace, we have a miraculous method called the Grafting Method. Only Sect Masters can practice this manual. Once you master this, your cultivation level will rise fast."

He chuckled in self-deprecation. "However, due to my mediocrity, practicing the grafting Method alone could not help me rise up four levels in half a day. It was mainly due to Master Webb. He left me many precious herbs. I ate plenty of it just now, hence why I leveled up so quickly."

Darryl nodded.

"By the way, Darryl, have you met the woman I captured? Haha!" he laughed. "Zion said that she stabbed you during the Lion Slaughtering Conference. I captured her here today, so it's up to you how you want to deal with her. Were you surprised?"

Darryl smiled bitterly and replied "Thank you for your kindness."

Bloody hell. It was a surprise, indeed, but Megan's words really annoyed him. Darryl was furious at the thought of it,

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