Chapter 571

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Dax slapped White Horse, sending him flying far away till he landed beside his wife, Crimson Snake.

Everyone gasped.

This was the difference between a Level One Martial Saint and a Level Five Martial Marquis.


An ax appeared in Dax's hand. He slowly approached White Horse and Crimson Snak. "You two disloyal traitors. Master Webb had just passed away. We barely got to avenge him, yet you two have already disobeyed his will. I am going to kill you two as a sacrifice to him in heaven!"

White Horse sweated profusely; the arrogance he had previously was all gone.


White Horse and Crimson Snake immediately knelt and begged for forgiveness. "Sorry. We're sorry. It was a lapse of judgment. We will be loyal to Master Chester Wilsom from now on..."

White Horse was almost in tears. He never expected Dax to be Level One Martial Saint!

Dax harrumphed without saying a word as he turned and look at Chester.

White Horse and Crimson Snake were not idiots. They immediately groveled and cried out "All Hail, our Master! Please forgive us!"

Chester drew a deep breath and responded "It's fine, get up. Today is the first—and the last—that you'll do this. I hope you take this as a warning. One more act of betrayal and your heads will be off."

To be fair, the husband and wife should have been killed as a warning to all for rebelling against him. However, killing another two Guardian Kings would weaken the sect's power since Master Webb had just passed on.

Most importantly, Chester still had a hard time processing Callum Webb's death. He did not muster the energy to deal with this.

At that, White Horse let out a sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Thank you, Master." he exclaimed.

White Horse and Crimson Snake then stood up and returned to their positions, not daring to say another word.

Chester shook his head. "Golden Lion, Dax, and Darryl are my brothers. Please arrange their accomodation and let them rest." He instructed Zion. "The rest, you may leave. I want to be alone in peace."

"Yes, Master." They answered in unison and left.

The view deck was emptied in a short while, except for Chester and his wife, Adina.

He walked toward the coffin and knelt again. "Master, don't worry. I will lead the sect well. I won't disappoint you. Farewell, farewell..." Chester sobbed.

Adina could not do anything but pat his back and stand by his side.

In the afternoon, Chester went to the back of the hill. He dug a grave with his bare hands until they bled to burry Callum's coffin.

On the other side of the hill, Dax and Darryl were in their rooms. They did not rest much during the journey, so Darryl fell asleep immediately.

He slept for a while until he heard a knock on his door. Darryl opened his eyes.

"Who is it?" he answered.

A sect follower declared politely "Master Darby, our Master previously captured a woman. He said he wanted to give her to you. I have brought the woman here."


Last 29 chapters for this book...

I might not be able to update more after this book as I'm trying to make a voice over of book 1 to 3. This voice over will be uploaded in youtube or spotify :)

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