Chapter 480

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What magical peach blossom forest was this? Ewan was overjoyed at her idea.

"Rachel, we'll go according to your plan. We'll trick Darryl to enter the forest!" he beamed.

It was a great idea! They quickly headed to Darryl's room.

Darryl had just finished showering. He was dressed in his pajamas, about to head to bed.


Rachel opened the door without knocking. Darryl swore under his breath and smiled. "My dear sister, what's the matter?"

"Who's your sister?" Rachel frowned as she asked in detest. Darryl was utterly disgusting to her.

Darryl shrugged and asked "I'm your godbrother. If you're not my sister, then what are you?"

Rachel glared at him. "Dad wants you to meet him at the peach blossom forest." she scoffed.

She had discussed this thoroughly with Ewan. If she mentioned her father, Darryl would not suspect anything.

It went as planned. Darryl was slightly stunned and asked "What does dad want? Also, what is this peach blossom forest?"

"Just follow me." she spat impatiently as she turned around to leave.

Darryl quickly change his clothes and followed her. They walked for close to half an hour! It was in the furthest, deepest corner of the Carter Mansion.

They came to the entrance of the forest. It was vast and stretched out endlessly. No one knew how huge this peach blossom forest truly was.

There was a huge, ten-meter-tall tablet erected at the entrance of the forest. It read 'Forbidden! No Entry!'

Forbidden? Darryl was slightly confused.

"Dad is waiting for you inside." Rachel muttered. "Go ahead."

Darryl asked "What? Me alon? Are you not coming along as well?"

"Ofcourse, it's only you! I wanted to go too, but dad said only you could enter." Rachel replied impatiently.

Ring! Ring!

Darryl's phone rang suddenly. It was from Nancy, Dax's wife.

He was perplexed as to why she would call all of a sudden. He picked up immediately.

"Darryl, something happened to Dax, come quick!" She rambled on in panic, sounding as if she had been crying.

What? Darryl was shocked. He replied "Don't panic, what happened?"

"A few days after the incident at the wedding, Lily was kidnapped by Florian. Dax caught wind of it and led a hundred men to the Darby Mansion to rescue Lily.

"Today, Florian convinced the Six Orthodox sects that Dax was the closest to you. Ever since you let the Golden Lion go, they believed you have connections with the Eternal Life Palace. Since Dax was close to you, they assumed Dax had joined the cult too.

"Abbess Mother Serendipity brought many followers to the Sanders Mansion today. They killed many followers. Dax was badly hurt by Abbess Mother Serendipity too! What should I do? Dax is bleeding everywhere and I'm worried he might not survive!" Nancy sobbed uncontrollably.

F*ck! Darryl was furious. "I'm coming now!" He yelled and hung up.

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