Chapter 483

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Zoran stood up immediately. Susan's face turned white as she asked "Are you sure you saw footprints?"

The peach blossom forest was an intricate Formation! Those who went in would never return!

When she married Zoran, she wanted to understand the Formation of the forest. She spent many years researching it, yet she found no solution.

A few years ago, several servants went it out of curiosity. They were never seen again.

There was no cell signla in the forest, neither would one use their Internal Energy. No matter how strong their Internal Energy was, they could not fly in there! Hence, the Carters set up a colossal tablet a while ago at the forest entrance to prevent people from entering.

Darryl could read, so why did he go in?

The servant replied dutifully "Madam, there was really a set of footprints at the entrance of the forest. As for who it belongs to, I'm not so sure."

"What... what should we do now?" Zoran was anxious. He quickly headed toward the forest. He could not let anything happen to his godson. Anything!
Everyone followed Zoran, except for Rachel and Susan.

Susan took a sip of tea. She lightly pursed her lips and asked "Rachel, tell me the truth. Did you trick Darryl into entering the forest?"

Susan was not only great in Formations, she was amazing at reading others. Her instinct told her that it was Rachel who led him into the forest. After all, Darryl was not an idiot. He must have had seen the sign, yet he still entered.

Rachel trembled in fear. How did her mother know?

She looked down and stuttered "Mom, I... I did not."

Susan put her cup down and pressed further. "Don't lie to me. You blush when you lie. Why did you do that?"

Rachel bit her lip. She could only confess. "Dad wants me to marry him, but I like Ewan. Mom, did I do anything wrong?"

Susan sighed. "Even so, you should not have brought him to the peach blossom forest. You know that no one could come out of there alive. You know your dad's temper. If he knew what you did, he would have beaten you to death!"

Rachel's face turned white upon realizing her mistake. If her dad knew she was the one that killed Darryl, she was done for.

"Mom, are you going to tell dad about this?" Rachel asked timidly.

Susan chuckled. "I'll keep your secret. But, you have to promise me that you'll never do anything silly like this again. You got it?"

After all, Darryl was only a godson. Rachel was her biological daughter.

Rachel let out a sigh of relief as she hugged Susan and cried. "Thank you, Mom!"

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