Chapter 486

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Once he escaped the forest, he fell and sat on the ground. He had not eaten in almost a week, surviving only on water- he was hungry and exhausted.

Nevertheless, he was elated. At least he survived!

"Young Master?"

"...Young Master appeared!" One of the servants exclaimed. They were extremely shocked as if they saw a ghost.

"Quick, let Master know!" one of them screamed.

Darryl felt weak. He gritted his teeth, fished his phone out, and made a call to Dax.

He could not reach Dax, so he called Nancy―it was the same; they turned off both their phones.

'F*ck you, Rachel Carter. If anything were to happen to Dax, I will never forgive you!' Darryl swore.

He grunted. He could only get someone else in Donghai City to check up on Dax. At that, he called Zephyr Dixon. He picked up the call within three seconds.

"Master!" Zephyr greeted excitedly. "Where have you been? We've been trying to contact you, Master! We have good news. The Elysium Gate sect has close to three thousand followers!"

"Let's not talk about this. I have something urgent. I want the four of you to head to Sanders Mansion in Donghai City to check up on Dax Sanders. Now!"

"Yes, Master!" Zephyr replied and hung up.

A few servants carried Darryl into the living room. The entire family was already gathered there. Zoran approached Darryl and put his hands on him. "Darryl! Are you alright?" he exclaimed.

Darryl could not say anything. He looked at the dishes on the table, completely forgetting all his manners as he started gulping down the food.

Zoran's heart ached since he knew Darryl had been starving for quite some time. He said gently "Darryl, slow down."

"Darryl, I knew you would be fine! Try this. It's amazing." Sara took some food for Darryl. She was overjoyed.

The rest were utterly stunned, looking at Darryl in utter disbelief. How could he have possibly escaped from the peach blossom forest?

Rachel's face was especially dark. She did not expect that he would be able to get out!

Susan bit her lip as she was panicking silently. She was worried that if Darryl told Zoran about how Rachel tricked him, Rachel would be doomed. What could she do? Susan did not expect Darryl to survive this incident as well.

Susan smiled and asked soflty "Darryl, how did you get out?" She avoided asking him how he managed to end up there instead, hoping it would distract him.

Everyone was looking at Darryl eagerly, especially Zoran. After all, the peach blossom forest was an extremely skilled Formation. No one could crack it in thousands of years.

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