Chapter 561

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The whole time Dax was healing, he did not contact Darryl at all. Darryl was thrilled that he called him, so he quickly picked up the call.

However, the concert was too noisy. He could not hear a single word that Dax was saying.

"Dax!" Darryl yelled.

Just when he was about to end the call to send Dax a message, Evelyn snatched his phone and threw it on the floor.

"Can you be any more annoying? We're here to watch a concert, and you're on a call? Don't you have any manners?" Evelyn growled.

"What the f*ck are you doing?" Darryl picked up his phone and saw the screen was shattered. "What's your problem? Can't I take a call?"

"No, you can't! You're near me, so if you talk, I can't hear her sing!" Evelyn retorted.

Once Angela had finished her song, she held her microphone and smiled. "I want to thank you all for singing with me. This concert means a lot to me, and I'll remember it for the rest of my life. Thank you for all the support you've given me."

The crowd was silent as they let her speak.

Angela continued "I've prepared a special surprise today to give back to all of you. There are paper and pens on your seats. Write down your wishes, fold them into a paper plane and throw it at me. Whoever I pick, I'll try to fulfill their wishes."

The crowd quickly scrambled under their seats, searching for the pen and paper.

Though the possiblity of Angela picking up their paper planes was slim to none, they were still extremely excited nevertheless. It would be an honor to be picked by Angela Angel!

Darryl could see that Evelyn was engrossed in writing her wishes down. She filled the entire paper as if writing a long essay.

"Hubby, why don't you write one as well?" Lily urged Darryl.

"Sure, sure." he shook his head. His biggest wish now was for Yvonne to get better. However, no one could fulfill his wish.

He thought for a while before he looked at Evelyn and smiled cheekily. He thought about how Evelyn kicked him and poked him with her earring. he quickly wrote his wish on the paper and folded it into a paper plane.

After a few minutes, Angela said "Are you ready?" I'll count to three, then throw your paper planes, ok? Your seat number is written on the paper. Whoever gets picked, I'll read out the seat number. The camera will then pan towards the lucky person. You got it?"


Angela smiled. "I'll count to three, then throw your paper planes at me, ok?"

"Ok!" The crowd cheered.




Countless paper planes flew in the air, making it a sight to see. It was like countless shooting stars. Many paper planes barely reached the stage, but only on flew in a perfectly straight line and landed directly on Angela's chest, which she caught.

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