Chapter 511

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"Yes, Sect Master, I bow to you in surrender. I will join the Elysium Gate." Old Villain Eight was the first to get down on his knees.

"I surrender too!"

"Me too."

In less than two minutes, tens of people knelt on the floor. Everyone decided not to struggle.

"Release them!" Darryl shouted with a smile. Levin immediately walked toward them and released all the ropes.

Darryl waved his hand happily. "Brothers, the success of Elysium Gate was due to your effort. Let's all enjoy the meal today. Cheers, Brothers!"

Everyone raised their glass. "Cheers to Sect Master!"

Everyone enjoyed the meal as they bonded with each other. They hugged and got drunk.

The Ten Villains, Ocean Powter and River Powter, who had just joined the sect, blended in well with the group, and they all drank happily.

A few of the men got too drunk, and tehy had fallen under the table.

After three rounds of drinking, Darryl's head started to spin. As he did not have internal energy, he could not force the alcohol out of his body. He stood up and shouted "Brothers, stop! Listen to me!"

Even thoug everyone was drunk, they still put their drinks down obediently and looked at Darryl.

"Ocean Powter, River Powter." Darryl said.

"Yes Sir!" The two brothers rushed toward Darryl and knelt in front of him.

"From today onward, I shall award you as Henry Bi-General." Darryl said casually. He had just thought of the name as he spoke.

"Ten Villains, come here too." Darryl said.

The Ten Villains quickly walked toward Darryl and knelt in front of him.

Darryl looked at them and said "The name Ten Villains does not sound pleasant. Remember, once you join Elysium Gate, you must do a lot of good deeds. I shall ignore all the bad things you had done before this, but if you were to repeat that, I would have no mercy on you!"

"Yes, Sir!" Oldest Villain One said.

Darryl nodded. "From today onward, you shall be The Ten Heaven Masters."

"Thank you, Sect Master." Everyone was delighted with the new names.

Darryl sighed. He had drunk too much; he walked to the restroom to wash his face so that he could sober up.

The Elysium Gate was finally on its right track. Henry Bi-General, formerly known as Ocean and River Powter, were Level Three Master Generals. The Four Warlords and Wind Rain Thunder Power were Level One Martial Marquis, and the Ten Heaven Masters were Martial Marquis as well too. The power of Elysium Gate was terrifying.

Darryl washed his face and headed back for another round when his cellphone suddenly rang.

Darryl looked at the screen and furrowed his eyebrows!

Megan! What did she want? Images of the incident at the Lion Slaughtering Conference appeared in Darryl's mind.

That lady had stabbed Darryl's abdomen, and he almost lost his life because of her. Why did she call him?

Darryl wanted to disconnect the call, but he hesitated and answered it instead.

"My dear brother." Megan's voice came from the call. "Are you free now?"

Kent told her that Darryl was back in Donghai City. She hesitated for a long while until she finally had the courage to call Darryl.

"What do you want?" Darryl asked coldly.

Darryl was not angry at her when she injured him with a sword. Abbess Mother Serendipity had forced her to do that. It was difficult for her.

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