Chapter 567

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Callum's last words about if a war broke out, to never be a snitch, was said with such confidence and positivity. Dax was somehow overwhelmed as tears started streaming down his face.

Meanwhile, Darryl had finally reached the Sanders Mansion.

Once he got down from the taxi, he quickly entered the hall and yelled "Dax! Dax!"

He rushed upstairs, pushed the door opened and was stunned at what he saw. A man was lying on the bed without any sign of life as Dax was next to him, eyes red.

'Damn, I'm too late.' thought Darryl. The man had passed away.

Darryl thought to himself, 'Wait, Dax said the person he rescued was a stranger. Why is he so sad?'

He walked over and asked "What happened?"

Dax let out a long sigh. "A legendary hero just left us. However, those self-righteous, mediocre assh*les are still alive!"

His eyes turned red.

Darryl was slight confused.

Dax smiled bitterly. "Darryl, take a guess who this person is."

"Who?" Darryl asked.

Dax took a deep breath before he enunciated his words "The Sect Master of Eternal Life Palace, Callum Webb."

'What? He's the Sect Master of Eternal Life Palace?' Darryl thought as his mind buzzed with shock.

Chester just called to say that the Sect Master might be in danger in Donghai City. Darryl found it hard to believe as the Sect Master was highly skilled. No one could really hurt him. He truly did not expect this.

Darryl came to his senses. He suddenly felt a strong aura coming off from Dax. He tensed. "F*ck me, Dax, you-you're a Level One Martial Saint?"

'F*ck! Level One Martial Saint?' Darryl thought.

Dax did not seem thrilled as he smiled bitterly. "Callum transferred his Internal Energy to me."

He explained what happened. Darryl felt pity after listening to Dax's retelling. A legendary hero, ambushed and attacked by hundreds of people till he died. It was saddening to hear.

However, Darryl was happy about Dax's strange encounter. He quickly called Chester and told him the news.

After hearing that the Sect Master had passed away, Chester was silent for a while.

No longer able to hold back his sadness, he wailed "Darryl, please get Dax to hand the letter to me. I want to know what he wrote. I'm waiting for him at the Eternal Life Palace's Altar."

"Sure, Chester. Don't cry." Darryl comforted, feeling somber too.

"Come with Dax. I caught a woman for you. You'll be excited." Chester said as he wiped his tears.

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