Chapter 496

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"Uh..." Darryl shook his head. He could feel that Lily was jealous. He smiled bitterly and said "Honey, Yvonne was about to marry Jeremy Langley to save me. If I let he go on with the wedding and ruin her life, I'd regret it for the rest of my life."

Lily pursed her lips and smiled. She looked at Darryl. "Is your regret out of a sense of responsibility or because you have feelings for her?"

Lily could see that Darryl and Yvonne both have feelings for each other.

Darryl was about to reply when Samantha appeared. She said "Bold of you to return home."

She added coldly "You're not welcome here. If you have any self-respect, you will leave immediately."

Samantha has heard about Darryl causing a scene at the wedding. She also finally came to know that Darryl was part of the famous Darbys and that he was the president of the Platinum Corporation. She was completely stunned initially that her son-in-law was someone powerful!

However, after the wedding, many boycotted the Platinum Corporation that they had no choice but to announce their bankruptcy. Also, Darryl is now an ordinary human being and the Six Orthodox Sects were after him as well―he was as useless as ever.

She did not want to get caught up in this, so she rudely said "Don't you understand what I'm saying? I said you're not welcome here. Leave!"

"Mom!" Lily stomped her feet anxiously. She said "Darryl, just came back. Leave him alone."

Samantha glared at Lily, she said angrily "Lily, why are you still defending hi,? Don't you know that all of Donghai City looks down on him? What good would come of you being with him? Don't be silly!"

She did not know what love potion Darryl gave her daughter. Lily had many persuers interested in her, yet she would not let go of Darryl―how disappointing!

"Mom, stop." Lily bit her lip.

"Granny called me for a meeting. When I'm back at night, I do not want to see this useless piece of trash here. You clear?' Samantha walked out of the room and slammed the door.

"Don't... mind her." Lily said to Darryl.

Darryl laughed. He was used to it after three years.

Lily held his hand and said "Oh, by the way, Class Sixteen and Class Seventeen planned a trip to the beach. Why don't we go together? Go get changed!"

"I don't want to." Darryl pouted.

"Hubby, accompany me please?" Lily pleaded. Darryl could not say no to Lily's pleas. So he nodded.

Lily smiled widely, she said "I have a new best friend! She'll coming over later, we'll head there together! By the way, she's from your class!"

Just when Lily said that someone knocked on the door.

"Speak of the devil!" Lily ran to open the door―it was a beautiful lady in a long purple dress.

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