Chapter 575

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In the kitchen, Adina wore an apron as she was busy chopping carrots. There were hints of sweat on her beautiful face. She knew that Chester wanted to treat his brothers to dinner, so she had to serve them well.

 A maidservant approached her  and said "Mistress, Master wants you to join them for dinner."

Adina smiled and nodded. "Okay, you head over first. I'll come here when I finish this dish."

The maidservant nodded. She took out a handkerchief and dabbed the sweat off Adina's face before she left.

Ten minutes later, the dish was finally done. She carefully held the plate in her hands and headed toward the main hall where Chester was.

She was halfway there when she heard a woman's cries coming from Darryl's room. She stooped dead in her tracks.

'Wasn't Darryl drinking with Chester and Dax? Why were there sounds of a woman coming from his room?' thought Adina.

She was curious, so she pushed the door open. She was stuned by what she saw—a beautiful woman tied up on a chair, crying terribly. It was Megan Castello.

"Miss, what happened?" Adina put her dish down and approached her.

Adina was a kind-hearted soul, so she could not bear to see people cry. Seeing Megan completely helpless broke her heart.

Megan was frightened when Adina entered. Her sobs turned into sniffs.

"Who are you?" Megan asked with red eyes.

Adina smiled. "My name is Adina. Sister, why are you tied up?"

Megan gritted her teeth and whispered "I have no idea, I was captured. Maybe because I am a follower of Emei, they want to use me to threaten my Master. Can... can you release me?"

Megan had no idea who she was but seeing how kind she looked, she pleaded unconsciously.

Megan did not have much hope. However, she was surprised when Adina untied her.

"Okay, I've untied you. Don't cry." Adina said softly. "Miss, the followers in Eternal Life Palace never caused trouble. How could we use you to blackmail your master? I've untied you. Follow me. I'll lead you out of the Eternal Life Island."

Megan was stunned, staring blankly at Adina.

She was letting her go? Impossible! Something must be up. The bunch of scum, how could they let her escape?

"Miss?" Adina asked as she left the room. She urged "Follow me. I'll bring you out of the Eternal Life Island."

Megan frowned. Even though she was suspicious, she still followed Adina.

A few minutes later, they passed a small winding road downhill. "Miss, follow the road, and you'll reach the sea." she instructed. "There will be many fishermen boats, just take any one of them, and you'll be able to leave." At that, Adina turned and left.

Chester and the rest were still waiting for her. Also, the dish she prepared was probably cold by then and neeeded to be reheated.

Megan stood still and bit her lip. Was she really going to let her go?

"May I ask who you are? If you let me go, won't the Sect Master blame you?" Megan could not help but ask.

Adina smiled lightly. "Don't worry, my husband is the new Sect Master. How could he blame me? I'm his wife. Just go, miss."

"You!" Megan was furious. "You're the Sect Master's wife?"

"Yes." Adina smiled.

"You scum! No one in the Eternal Life Palace is good!" Megan yelled.

She continued "You're the wife of the Sect Master. How good could you be? You're letting me go on purpose! What are you planning on doing? All of the Eternal Life Palace members should die!"

Megan fished a long sword and stabbed Adina.

The sword went through Adina's right chest.

Adina was not a cultivator. She felt her chest become cold as blood spread throughout her clothes.

She never dreamed that doing good would get her killed.

Megan clenched her teeth as she pulled the sword out. She looked at Adina coldly and shrieked "You let me go on purpose! Why? Tell me!"


Adina could not answer her. She felt weak and fell to the floor. The sword had punctured her heart.

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