Chapter 588

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Yvette bit her lips hard. Previously at the Wishing Star Tower, Darryl modified the formation. It caused her body to itch all over, to the extent that she needed to beg for his forgiveness. That was a powerful technique.

Yvette wanted to learn if from Darryl earlier when she saved Yvonne, but Darryl was not in the right mood, hence she had yet to ask him. Earlier, Yvette recalled the incident and set up the Six Energy Trap again using some logs. However, she still could not figure out Darryl's modification on the trap formation. She had no choice but to ask Darryl.

Darryl smiled. "Princess, I can't teach you about the formation."

Darryl was impressed by Yvette's eagerness to learn. He might have taught her if she was not the Princess of the New World.

Yvette was worried. She squeezed her brows and asked "Why?"

How could Darryl repeatedly reject all her requests? She would have ordered the Twelve Royal Guards to kill him had he not been Lilybud's husband.

Darryl smiled and looked earnestly at Yvette. "This is because you are the Princess of the New World. If I taught you about the formation, you might use it against people in the World Universe someday. I will then be doing wrong to the whole World Universe."

Yvette was furious and speechless.

Why did Darryl still care about the World Universe when the community had treated him so terribly? Was he out of his mind?

Yvette sighed. "How are you so selfish? Just teach me. I will promise you that I will never use it against the World Universe. Will that be fine? I am just curious to know."

Yvette looked at Darryl anxiously.

Darryl sighed and smiled. "Fine. I will teach you since you are sincere. However, I have one condition."

Yvette had forced Darryl to agree to return a favor for saving Yvonne earlier. Now that Yvette requested something else, he must use the opportunity to return the favor to get out of the agreement.

Darryl had an evil smile. Yvette bit her lips and asked "What are you laughing at? What is your condition for you to teach me? As long as it is within my capability, I will agree."

She could see that Darryl was up to something bad, but she was too curious about the Six Energy Trap modification.

"Will you agree to anything?" Darryl asked.

At that moment, Darryl saw some black patches on Yvette's face from the logs in the garden just now. Darryl pointed to his own face and signaled Yvette to wipe her face.


When Yvette saw Darryl's action, her body shivered. Her face turned red as she felt shy and angry.

'What is he thinking? Is he asking me to kiss his cheek?' Yvette thought 'I am the Princess of the New World; how could he ask me to do that?'

However, Yvette was really desperate to learn about the modification of the modifaction of the formation. She had no idea that she had misunderstood Darryl.

Yvette's face was scarlet red as she kept her eyes locked on Darryl. He was confused as to what she was up to.

All of a sudden, Yvette walked over to Darryl. She tip-toed and lightly kissed Darryl on the cheek.

Yvette's face was burning red. She dared not look up at Darryl. Sh*t! What was that for?

Darryl's mind went blank. He looked at Yvette but was speechless.

Sh*t, she just kissed him. This Princess of the New World was wild!

Darryl's head was spinning. He looked puzzled. "What are you doing?"

Yvette was furious seeing Darryl's innocent face. She stomped her feet and questioned "Didn't you just ask me to kiss you?"

How could he pretend that nothing had happened? Yvette stomped hard on Darryl's foot.


Darryl gasped and jumped in shock. "I didn't ask you to kiss me! Go, look at the mirror. There is a black smudge on your face. I pointed at my face to ask you to wipe yours. What were you thinking?"


Yvette turned and walked towards the mirror. Her face was burning red! She wanted to dig a hole and hide in it!

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