Chapter 475

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The four of them yelled at Darryl endlessly. If they were untied, Darryl would already be dead by now.

Darryl laughed but did not say anything. He let them release their anger.

When they were almost done yelling, he pulled a bench over and sat in front of them. "In your eyes, I should die because I killed the Dixon family. But, let me ask you, the Dixons killed and robbed many innocent civilians. Did those people deserve to die?"

The four of them looked at each other, unable to answer. Darryl was right. The Dixons were infamous evildoers in Yunzhou City for many years.

Darryl continued "Also, you four! You enabled the Dixons! Do you know how much trouble you four have caused in Yunzhou City?"

The Dixon brothers could not retort. Darryl was right.

Darryl smiled and said slowly "Why don't the four of you follow me? We'll do the right things together."

What? in the end, it was just a recruitment pep talk.

"You can stop. We would rather die than be your b*tch. Kill us now." Volt spat.

Darryl frowned. These four were a hard bunch to convince. He had to persuade them no matter what.

He sighed and took out a key to unchain them. They were freed but also confused.

'Not only did he let us live, but he let us go as well?'

Volt threatened "You let us go, you're not afraid that we'll kill you?"

Darryl said sincerely "Guys, I never thought of killing any of you. On the other hand, I really respect you. Although you did many bad things, you were all brave and bold people. I respect all of you."

Darryl sighed, his face full of regret. "I admire loyal people. I know that the four of you are not bad people. You've just followed the wrong people. I sincerely invite you to join me to do good together. But, if you disagree with me, I can't do anything. I can't bear to kill all of you, so you guys can leave."

Darryl moved aside to let them pass through. They were stunned. They wanted to kill Darryl when he released them, but after hearing what he said, they could not do it!

Darryl was right about them being loyal and sentimental.

It was dead silent in the warehouse. Darryl seemed calm, but he was immnsely anxious. If the four of them ganged up on him, he would not survive. They were all Level Five Master Generals; even Caelan would not be able to fight them.

Zephyr took a deep breath and asked "When you said you wanted to do good, what did you mean?"

"Do good for mankind! Justice for them!" Darryl laughed.

'They must feel extremely guilty for all the things they have done previously.' he thought.

They looked at him curiously. Darryl continued "I want to form a sect of my own, and its purpose is to bring justice for humanity and to do good. Are you interested?"

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