Chapter 554

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"Remember, you owe me one." Yvette said before she left.

That night, Darryl slept on the floor, watching over Yvonne. He was afraid if he slept on the bed, he might touch the needls.

He did not sleep well. He brought Yvonne back to Donghai City the next day. On the journey, he called Zephyr and instructed him to search for a cure for Yvonne.

It was noon when Darryl brought Yvonne back home and realized that no one was home. He brought her straight to the bedroom, feeling slightly conflicted as he was not sure if Lily would be upset with him bringing Yvonne home.

Thinking of Lily, he quickly called her.

She picked up the call shortly, sounding excited. "Hubby! You finally called! Where have you been for the past two days?"

Lily had been worried sick.

"I had something going on." Darryl laughed.

He frowned as he could hear a commotion going on Lily's end of the call. "Lily, where are you?"

Lily said cheerfully "I'm at Angela Angel's concert! It's at Donghia Television Station. Come find me!"

Darryl was familiar with Angela Angel, the famous pop star. When Darryl was still in high school, Angela's The Invisible Wings was the most popular song in the entire country.

Though she rarely produced new albums, she was still active in different entertainment programs. For the past two years, she was a judge in the reality TV competition The Ethereal Singer. She was considered a legend in the entertainment industry.

"Hubby, come quick! The concert hasn't started yet, so I'll be waiting for you!" Lily urged.

"Alright, I'll be there shortly." Darryl replied. He decided it would be better to tell her about Yvonne in person.

At the Donghai Satellite Television Building, one of Donghai City's attractions, many galas and concert were held here.

Angela Angel's concert was a huge deal in Donghai City, and many wealthy fans came to support her.

When Darryl reached the building, there was already a crowd. The fans were extremely excited, making him in awe of Angela's influence.

Giselle Lindt, whow as under his entertainment company, was nowhere near as influential as Angela. After all, Giselle was still new to the scene. This concert was larger than Donghai City's annual Mid Autumn Festival gala.

Darryl walked right into the lounge that Lily said she would be waiting for him. The area was for the rich and VIPs. Ordinary fans could only wait outside.

The lounge was equally crowded, with many peopl resting on the sofas provided. Darryl spotted Lily right away and noticed that next to Lily were two other ladies—Circe Newman and Evelyn Featherstone.

'F*ck, why is Evelyn here?' Darryl swore silently.

He scanned his surroundings. He had to admit; the three ladies together were a stunning view as they were all beautiful in their own ways.

Lily was dress in a white suit with the limited Worship of the Crystal heels. She was sexy and elegant at the same time. Circe was wearing a long black dress, looking mysterious and icy, while Evelyn looked cute in jeans and fleece top. She was here today to hang out with Circe. However, Circe told her that she was watching a concert with another good friend of hers, so Evelyn tagged along.

Though Evelyn was still young, she looked lady-like. The three of them together were stunning, and Darryl could see that men were ogling them.

"Hubby!" Lily spotted Darryl as she approached him happily and hugged his arms.

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