Chapter 566

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The surge of Internal Energy entering his body made Dax feel like he was about to explode.

Callum gritted his teeth as he transferred his lifelong cultivation to Dax. Technically, Internal Energies could not be transferred to other people, but Callum had practiced this method called the Grafting Method. This method only belonged to the Eternal Life Palace, and only the Sect Master could practice this method.

There was no other method, except the Grafting Method, to transfer their Internal Energy to another person.

Callum was well aware that he could take his last breath at any moment. Rather than letting all his powers go to waste, why not transfer it to Dax and repay him!

"Callum, no. You're going to live! I have a brother who is skilled in elixirs; he can save you!" Dax yelled.

"There's no use! No elixir can save me. Don't move!" Callum scolded as he gritted his teeth.

Strong waves of Internal Energy kept surging through Dax's body. He felt that his merifian had been baptized by pure Internal Energy. His ranks flew up!

Level Four Martial Marquis. Level Five Martial Marquis. Level One Martial Saint!

This was terrifying. He went from a Master General to a Martial Saint in such a short time!


Callum took a long breath and finally lifted his hand off Dax. He was already badly injured, but after transferring his entire Internal Energy to Dax, he was so emaciated it looked like he aged ten years. He looked like a man at the end of his life.

Callum looked at him and said weakly. "Youre rank was pretty mediocre, so you could only reach Level One Martial Saint. There's still a portion of Internal Energy that you can't absorb yet.

"However, what you haven't absorbed will be released slowly from your energy field. In a year's time, your improvement in cultivation will be ten times more than an ordinary cultivator! If you're talented, in a year, you could become a Martial Emperor!"

Dax was surprised and overjoyed. He was extremely anxious as he could see that Callum was almost at the end of his life.

Callum forced a smile. "I've roamed the Earth my entire life. I have no regrets now, knowing that my powers won't go to waste before I die. No regrets! Haha!"

Though he sounded weak, he spoke with pride.

Dax looked at him in pain "What other wishes do you have left? If there's anything I can do to help, I will!"

Callum fished out a Purple Jade token and a letter.

He handed it to Dax and said "Remember, this is my token, the symbol of Eternal Life Palace's Sect Master."

Callum's eyes were slowly closing as he struggled to keep them open. "Remember, you have to hand... hand it to... Chester. Tell him... that even though the Eternal Life Palace is considered by many as an evil cult, if there is a war one day between the New World and World Universe, don't... be a traitor. Must... must... not... be... New World's... snitch."

Dax kept the token and letter. He nodded and assured Callum "Don't worry. I'll hand it to him."

Callum nodded and slowly shut his eyes.

Dax's heart ached.


He knelt and bowed to Callum three time. Although he did not have master-disciple relationship with Callum, Callum transferred all his Internal Energy. For that, he was eternally grateful.

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