Chapter 556

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How could Lily not panic? With Darryl's current powers, he could not afford to offend Jeremy.

The Langleys were wealthy and powerful, plus Jeremy's master was Zachary Hume, the Deputy Head of Tianshan School—he was well supported.

Darryl, in comparison, had nothing. He did not have any Internal Energy at all. Challenging Jeremy would only end badly for him.

No one expected that Darryl would reply coldly "Jeremy, I'll heed your suggestion that one should kneel and apologize. But it should be you, your new girlfriend, and your bunch of b*tches."

'What?' Everyone was so stunned they thought they misheard Darryl.

'Is this person crazy? He doesn't have any powers, his corporation is bankrupt, and yet he still has the guts to say that?' everyone thought.

"You're really looking for death. Get him!" Jeremy ordered his men. He did not want to fight Darryl, but Darryl's arrogance aggravated him. He did not care where he currently was; Darryl needed a beating.

Everyone gasped as they could feel Jeremy's immense power. He was a Level Three Master General and considered one of the most powerful people in Donghai City.

Everyone thought Darryl was done for.

"Hubby, be careful!" she exclaimed.

She was worried she bit her lip until it bled and closed her eyes. She could not bear to watch her husband get beaten up.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Sounds of punches rang through the lounge.

When Lily opened her eyes, she would never forget what she saw for the rest of her life. Darryl stood there firmly while Jeremy's men were all lying on the floor. 

Jeremy was bewildered as he was the only one left standing. The entire lounge was eerily silent as no one could see how Darryl had beat his opponents. It all happened in a blur.

Jeremy was sweating profusely. What was happening? Abbess Mother Serendipity told him that Darryl could never get his powers back. How did he grow stronger instead?

When Jeremy realized his mistake, it was too late.

He could see Darryl walking towards him calmly; his every step reverberated throughout the entire lounge.

"For a Nine Resurrection Pill, you asked Yvonne to marry you." Darryl said, his eyes blazing with anger as he looked at Jeremy straight in the eye. "I've returned the pill a hundred times to you. Who will return Yvonne to me? She's clinging on to her life. Who the f*ck can return her to me?!"

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