Chapter 589

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'That was what Darryl meant. What was I thinking? How emabarrassing is this?!' Yvette thought.

"Darryl, you..." Yvette stared at the floor and kicked Darryl. "Are you going to teach me or not?"

"Fine, fine. I will teach you." Darryl held back his laughter as he nodded.

If he were to reject her again, Yvette would be furious.

Darryl started to share about the formation while both of them headed to the garden. He taught her all about the formation modification.

Yvette was smart; she managed to pick up the idea immediately. She was so happy that she had forgotten entirely about the embarrassing incident earlier.

After they were done, Darryl went back to the room. His cellphone rang when he was lying on the bed about to fall asleep. It was Zephyr.

Zephyr's trembling voice came through after the call connected. "Sect Master, we're in trouble. I have just received news that all of the sects gathered around tens of thousands of their followers and are headed towards the Elysium Gate. What shall we do?"

Zephyr sounded panicked. The number of followers was ten or more times greated than the members of Elysium Gate. How could they defend themselves?

Darryl squeezed his brows and explained "It's fine. Don't panic. I will tell you what to do..."

A few minutes later—after listening to Darryl's plan—Zephyr sounded relieved and impressed. "Sect Master, you are brilliant. Haha! Let the Six Sects suffer this time!"

Darryl smiled and gave some advice before he hung up the call.

In Yunzhou City, tens of thousands of followers led by the Six Sects surrounded the Elysium Gate main Altar, ready to attack.

All of them believed that they had outnumbered the Elysium Gate, hence they would definitely be able to destroy the sect! However, they did not notice there were many Heaven Energy Trees around the main altar. The trees were moved there overnight from the hill.

In fact, the trees were part of a formation. Darryl had passed the knowledge to Zephyr yesterday on forming the Ten Directions Godly Formation. The formation was recorded in the Bai Qi Formation, immensely powerful and enchanted.

Nobody noticed anything and stepped right into it. As expected, all of them were lost and trapped in the formation. The members of Elysium Gate then took the opportunity and launched their attack towards those in the formation.

The battle lasted over half a day. All of the sect members suffered injuries. They lost one-fifth of the tens of thousands of followers.

After that experience, they did not pursue to attack further. The Elysium Gate members hid inside the altar. There was the formation outside the altar. There was no way the six sects would be able to attack them.

They could only wait for the Elysium Gate members to leave the altar to destroy them. However, there was no sign of any of the Elysium Gate members heading out, so the group had no choice but to leave after waiting impatiently.

The Elysium Gate became famous after the battle! Everyone heard about how the Six Sects joined forces but were defeated by the Elysium Gate. More and more people came from all over to join the sect.

Meanwhile, in the Carter family, Sara played on the swing with several young ladies chatting and laughing at the hut nearby. All of them were her friends. She had invited them over as the weather was great.

Sara—while swinging up and down—chimed in excitedly "Did you hear about what happened yesterday? The Six Sects joined forces to destroy the Elysium Gate, but they were all trapped in the formation set by them in the end. The Elysium Gate trounced the Six Sects easily."

She cheered admirably "How powerful is the Elysium Gate?!"

The rest of the ladies nodded in agreement together.

"Yes, that's right. A few thousand of them had defeated the tens of thousands of followers from the Six Sects. How incredible."

"I heard about that too. The formation by the Elysium Gate was incredible—even the Six Sects were trapped!"

The news on the Elysium Gate defeating the Six Sects had spread all throughout the community.

An elegant lady strolled towards them, holding a fruit platter. "Girls, what are you all talking about?"

The elegant lady was Darryl's godmother, Susan Creek.

"Mother!" Sara smiled and walked over to hold Susan's arm. "Mother, we were talking about the Elysium Gate. Do you happen to know Indomitable Darby, the Elysium Gate's Sect Master?"

"No, I don't know such a famous person." Susan smiled.

Susan heard the news about the attack. The Elysium Gate used the Ten Directions Godly Formation to defeat them. Although she did some research on formations, the Ten Directions Godly Formation was too advanced.

Sara admired the Indomitable Darby very much. How nice would it be if the Indomitable Darby was her brother? He would be able to teach her all about formations.

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