𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓽𝔂-𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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I sighed, my IV drip and IV had been removed, though I was still confined to the bed, I was told I still need to gain my weight back before they released me.

No one has come to visit me besides Guy and Kakashi, no one knew I was back.

"I'm so bored" I groaned, feeling lonely

I was missing out on events and missions, after having counted the time that has passed, the squad was now on the land of tea mission.

I'm really missing out on a lot, I've barley been doing anything with the team since the Chunin exams. Am I. Useless?.

"Baby" My mother's voice filled the room

I glanced at the end of the bed, finding her sitting there.

"Yes mother?" I asked, it felt weird, being able to see her after so long

"Let me tell you something, you know, that night in the forest, the Chunin exams, that anger that took over you was me" She said

"Huh?" I said in shock

'That's random as fuck' I thought to myself

"I was so mad that they did that to you, I wanted to murder them myself, the necklace, I live inside that, when the owner of the necklace passes they go in there, and when the next clan member gets it and masters it, the previous owner can come out when need" She explained to me

"That night, wasn't your fault is what I'm saying, it's mine, I know you've blamed yourself for it but baby, it was me, not you, I let my anger get out of control and in turn, it controlled you" She said moving hair from my face

"Mama, am I useless?" I asked her, looking into her eyes

"Baby, you are far from that word, baby wether or not you've noticed it, you save the life of people around you" She said to me

"But mama, I haven't" I said with a pout

"On the contrary, Naruto, without you, Naruto would have been alone when he was but a child, he would have been alone and left to the teasing and abuse of others, but you stopped that" She said with sincerity

"Sakura, from what I've seen while watching her, you've had your influence on her behavior, she is changing, he attitude is becoming better, she wants to get stronger because of you and the rest of the group, though she might not show it, she does like you and looks up to you in some expects, you two just have to come together and build your friendship" She said

"Sasuke, though he seems emotionless, he cares for you, you two are the sole survivors of the Uchiha massacre besides Itachi, he wants to protect you, he too would have been left on his own to grieve the lost of his clan and parents, but he had you" She said putting the hair behind my ear

"You two were in the Uchiha compound together and therefore were never alone, especially what you did for him while you both were grieving" She said as she listed the things off

"And the main person I've seen you have a change on is Kakashi, his past, isn't a good one, he lost his father and his teammates, he's always blamed himself for it, no matter if it was his fault or not" She said as if she was speaking from a memory

"He grew cold, devoted himself to work and nothing else, he isn't good with emotions or showing them sometimes, but when you came along, you change that, he's been opening up to you more" She said looking at the door

"He treats you as a daughter, like your father would have, he, without know it, slowly filled that spot of the father you lost, and your father in turn, entrusted him with that role" She said looking back at me

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