𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓽𝔂-𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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I hummed as I summoned Tobirama, the male looking around in confusion before he realized where he was.

"What can I assist you with, young Uchiha?" He asked me as he faced me

"Can you heal Sakura?" I asked him, the man looking at me like I just asked him to fly to the moon

"Like hell I will" Tobirama said with a huff, crossing his arms, glaring at the dying girl like she was the Uchiha

"But she's dying" I pleaded

"And? She tired to kill you earlier, ask Hashirama, maybe he'll be more lenient and willing to help you, but not me" Tobirama told me, the seriousness clear in his tone

"Well, thank you Tobirama, for having my back" I said with a soft smile, happy to know he was standing on business when it came to me

I hummed and summoned Hashirama, the male looking around in confusion, Tobirama going invisible since I didn't have enough Chakra to told both of them visible.

"Hashirama, can you heal Sakura, she's dying" I asked him in a begging tone

"No, I'm not healing her either, maybe you should ask Arata" Hashirama said to me, his hair flowing in the wind

"Hashirama please, if you don't do it I will, and I don't have enough chakra to do so, I'll die" I begged, hands together and everything

Hashirama looked down at me with a pout before he huffed, caving in, my puppy eyes must have been working their magic.

"Fine, only because you asked" Hashirama said as he walked over to Sakura in silence, everyone watching him

"I'll never be used to seeing this" Yamato said as he stood next me

"Well, you won't be the first" I said with a laugh

"She made herself some powerful enemies huh Yamato asked me

"Who?, Sakura?" I asked as I looked at him

"Yeah" He said looking at me

"She sure did, you see that they didn't even want to heal her, she's luck Hashirama's heart is made of gold and flowers, he wouldn't have healed her without it" I said with a soft hum

"Y/n-chan, you're okay right?" Naruto asked as he came over to me, looking me over and checking me for an additional injuries

"I'm okay Naru, he didn't hurt me, just in pain from the injuries I already have" I said honestly

"I can carry you back to the village, if you'd like" Naruto said to me, looking at me with soft eyes, looking like a puppy

"I can't ask that of you Naru, you're injured yourself" I said with a soft smile, ignoring the way my body was about to shut down completely

"She's healed, my job here is done" Hashirama told me, all of us glancing at a passed out Sakura

"Thank you Hashirama" I thanked him, bowing slightly, not going to deep into the bow since my side was throbbing

"No need to bow to me, Young Uchiha, just make it back to the village safely, that is your payment for my help" Hashirama said ruffling my hair before disappearing suddenly, my chakra falling weak

I didn't ignore the fact that Naruto was trying to hold in his tears, hurt that he couldn't get Sasuke back this time either.

"Naru, come here" I said holding out my arm for a hug

Naruto shuffled into my arm, burning his head in between my shoulder and neck, the tears free falling.

"I'm sorry Naru, that we couldn't get him back" I apologized, even though I was the one that told him we wouldn't get him back, it still hurts me to see him sad

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