Chapter 2

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I was sitting in math class bored out of my mind. I was so bored that I zoned out and began to fall asleep a bit.

"Miss L/N!" Mrs. Anderson yelled causing me to jump up.

"Yes?" I asked startled.

"Since you would rather sleep. I bet you didn't even bother to look at the equation on the board. Tell me the answer." Mrs. Anderson said crossing her arms. I did a quick scan over it and looked over at my teacher who had a smirk on her face.

"X=20 and Y=5." I answered and her smirk faded.

"That's......... correct." Mrs. Anderson said and I smirked as the whole class snickered.

"Alright then lets put away our books and I'll see you tomorrow." Mrs. Anderson said just before the bell rang. I got out of my seat and walked out of the room. I walked to my locker. As I did my combination I stuffed my books in and shut it closed. I didn't really bother to take my bag out because I never get any homework. I'm so lucky. People well students are jealous of me. It's only because I'm super smart and I know karate so know one really messes with me.

As I walked out of the school I put in my earphones and put on Centuries by Fall Out Boy. I jammed out while walking home. I never rode the bus home because students are fully awake meaning that crap will go down. Anyway as I was bobbing my head to the music I suddenly felt like I was being followed. I turned around and didn't see anybody. Thinking I was paranoid I shrugged my shoulders and continued walking. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind getting my mouth covered in the process. Screaming and struggling I tried to get out of the grip but this person had a good grip.  then from my left I saw another person. It seemed like a male. Anyway the person came closer with some duct tape but I quickly kicked my right leg forward hitting the man square in the goods. He grabbed his man parts and fell to the ground. I licked the persons hand causing them to let me go so I stumbled forward and then lashed my right leg out hitting the 1st person in the gut. I broke into a run leaving the 2 behind. I was close to my street before I was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"Got her!" A voice yelled and I heard feet running over to me. I struggled to get out of the grip but it was no use.

"Seems like we've got you. Now you come with us." The same voice said and I could actually imagine the smirk printed on the face. I was picked up and something was put over my mouth causing my body to go limp and the world to go black.


Hey guys. Hope you like this chapter. Not going to say much other than hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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