Chapter 31

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Y/N's POV:


I heard a voice calling my name, but couldnt make out who it was.

"Y/N please wake up." That voice.

"Zayn's in a coma, because of all the blood he lost. Max is fine. A vet is taking care of him. I'm fine. Got to watch it though."

It is Niall.
I'm trying to wake up, but I cant.

Louis and Harry are worried about you. They won't stop crying. Liam is trying to hold himself together."

Come on, wake up.

"I'm worried as well. I never got to tell you how much I care about you. I never got to kiss you like I wanted. Now I wonder will I ever get the chance to because it seems like your not gonna wake up."

I feel my fingers twitch. Yes. A sign I'm waking.

"Did your fingers just move? Oh can you hear me?"

He sounds so happy. I move my fingers again. He laughs and grabs my hand. I cant even see him, but I know he's got a smile on his face.

I start hearing a beeping sound. I slowly open my eyes.


I look to my right. It's Niall. He's smiling so big right now.

"Oh my gosh your awake!" He exclaims.

"Niall? Where am I?" I ask.

"The hospital." He replied.

"Am I okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. You'll be fine. Your middle got bandaged up so your good."

I smiled.

"Where are the others?" I asked looking around the room not seeing any of the others.

"Outside the room. They're waiting for you to wake up."

"Can I see them?"

"Sure." Niall goes to move towards the door, but I grip his wrist. He looks at me confused.

"But before you do, can you do something for me?" I ask.

"Sure." He said getting closer.

"Can you kiss me?" I ask and his eyes light up.

"Yes. Yes I can." With that he leans down and attaches his lips to mine. The kiss is slow, but passionate. It's perfect.

He pulls away a couple seconds later smiling at me.

"I'll get them now."

He walked towards the door opening it and letting the 3 boys inside.

"Y/N!!!" They yell running over to me. They each hug me.

"We were so worried." Harry said tears falling.

"When we saw you laying on Max's back unconscious and bleeding we didnt know what to think." Louis said. I smiled, but then remembered something.

"How did you get in here. Everyone knows your faces." I said and they gave me a small smile.

"We know, but your health was more important. The cops are here ready to take us, but as soon as Zayn wakes, we're all getting out of here." Liam said causing me to chuckle.

"Okay then. Better start thinking of some plans." I said.

End of POV.


2 weeks later

"Patients Y/N L/N, and Zayn Malik are gone! We came for them to sign some papers to be discharged, but they were both gone!" A nurse yelled at an officer. Every cop in the building started searching thinking that they couldnt get far, but oh how wrong they were.

Y/N kicked open the vent door and her and all the boys exited the small space looking at the outside world.

"Well then let's get a move on." Niall said gripping Y/N's hand, both smiling at each other. The other 2 couples smiled at each other and they all ran. They ran fast and far to their secret hide out they knew they were gonna need one day.

Zayn and Y/N ripped off their hospital gown's and changed into something more their style.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked loading a gun and tossing it to Y/N.

"You bet." She replied with a smirk. They exited the place with Liam carrying a huge bag of money and Louis carying a huge bag full of guns and knives. Max came running towards them and Y/N smiled big, petting him over and over until they all heard sirens getting closer.

"Time to go." Liam said and they all took off running.

Gunshot were heard, and Y/N never felt so alive.

"I feel so free." She said and ran faster. All 7 of them running into the sunset and never looking back.

The End.

That's it! The story is over!
Hope you enjoyed reading. Hope you enjoyed the journey you went on.

Love ya,


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