Chapter 20

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Y/N's POV:

All of us sat in the car, looking at the bank across the street that was a couple hours outside of H/T.
"Alright, I'm going in with Harry who will quickly shoot the security camera- wait why do you even shoot the camera's out when people know what you look like?" I asked.
"Part of the job." Liam replied.
"Alright, Harry will shoot the camera's, I'll rush over to the counter and quickly hack into the password for the giant vault they have." The boys will keep watch of the door for the cops and well the rest is pretty clear." I explained getting nods in approval.
"Alrighty, lets do this." Louis said. Me and Harry exited keeping on our nonsuspecting desguises.
We entered the building and immediately, Harry pulled out his gun that he had hidden in his jacket and shot the security camera's. Everyone quickly got down hearing the shots and panicked.
"Nobody move!" I shouted and rushed over towards the counters. I hopped over and walked towards the vault. There was a little computer beside it and I pulled out a small device that had a USB cord. I plugged and set everything up fast and when all was done I pressed a button and watched letters on the computers come together forming the password. I heard a small ding meaning that it was done and smirked. I unhooked everything when the sound of the vault was unlocking. I gripped the giant handle and pulled it open. My eyes went wide when I saw how much money was inside.
"Harry get over and help me!" I shouted and walked in. Harry entered to see me putting money in my dufflebag but froze when he saw how much money was inside.
"Am i in heaven?" He asked and i chuckled.
"No and I'm pretty sure God wouldn't want you in heaven with him." I said.
"You never know." He said and started filling his bag.

"I cant fill mine anymore." I said after a while and stood straight.
"Neither can I-" Harry started but got cut off to gunshots.
"We've got company, and it's a lot!" Louis voice rang out.
"The police are here. Great." Harry muttered.
"Lets go. We can come back another day." I said and lifted my bag onto my shoulder. We rushed out of there and closed the vault. When i saw how many policr were outside getting ready to break in, my eyes widened.
"Harry, give me your gun and take my bag." I said handing my bag over. He took it and gave me his gun in return.
"Back up boys." I said and they obeyed.
"Everyone, if you dont want to get shot and killed I suggest you get behind the counter and shield yourself." I said and everyone quickly went for safety. I pulled out my own gun and looked down at my belt that had my supplies. My head shot up when I heard thuds against the door. Police were trying there best to get in. Man, I dont know how they did it but the boys really blocked the door. When the sound of class cracking filled my ears I closed my eyes and took a breath.
"What should we do?" Niall asked.
"Just try to get out of here. I'll be following behind but the body count is going to grow along the way. Protect each other also." I said.
"What about you?" Zayn asked.
"Like I said I'll be following." I said and the nodded. Suddenly the sound of glass breaking, entered the room and bullets were shot. I dodged the ones that came at me and shot multiple bullets. Sounds of pain and gunshots filled the room. I followed after the boys but didnt notice a security guard headed my way. Niall had just so happened to look back see.
"Y/N!" He shouted and took a shot. I heard a body fall behind me causing me to look back in shock. How couldnt i sense his presense?! Oh well he's dead now. I felt a hand grip my upper arm and I turned to see Niall who was now pulling me. I quickly followed and we were outside.
"Hurry and smoke the place." Liam said.
"Okay hurry and slash their tires." I said. We all nodded at each other before doing our job. I unhooked a can of smoke and plucked off the top. I tossed it inside and soon enough you couldnt see anything but smoke leaving the building aling with some coughs from the people still inside. I ran over to the car and hopped in seeing that the boys were waitng for me.
"Step on the gas li." I said and we were off.
Man I love this job.
End of POV.
New chappy! I love writing the robbing and fighti ng scenes. They give me such an imagination.
Anyway hope you enjoyed reading cause i enjoyed typing.

Love ya,


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