Chapter 13

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Y/N's POV:

"Alright. I want you to fight each other but since there are five of you zayn come and be my partner." I said and the boys nodded. Zayn got in front front of me with his fists raised ready to fight. I raised my fists too and stared at Zayn with an intense gaze.
"Begin." I said and Zayn quickly threw the first punch. I dodged to my left and lashed my right hand out. He dodged it by grabbing my hand. My eyes widened as he flipped me over his body. I landed on the ground and grunted with my eyes shut tight. I opened my eyes and Zayn coming down after jumping into the air. I quickly reached up and his feet landed on my palms. The weight caused my arms to bend but I pushed up and he flew back. I got up and watched as he backflipped in air and landed on his feet.
"You've gotten better." I said with a smirk.
"Well you said not to go easy on you, so I'm not." He said. It was then I noticed that his foot was underneath a brick sized rock. He smirked and kicked it towards me. It looked like it was going to hit me hard but I quickly reached out both my hands and gripped it. The impact made me slide on my feet backwards but I kept my balance and stood straight. I stared at Zayn as he stared at me. I then realized that the rock i was holding was going to hit me in the throat and I gently placed my hand over my neck. I don't know what would have happened if it did but I don't want it damaging the inside of my throat for I need it.
I quickly threw it back at him and he jumpes out of the way and came towards me. I reached out as he was going to hit me and my fingers hit a pressure point on his neck causing him to pass out. I caught him and held him. I looked up and saw the other boys still fighting. I smiled and spoke.
"Times up. Lets go back inside." I said and they stopped and looked at me and nodded. They didn't say anything about Zayn as they did but I'm guessing they already knew what happened. Training was great but it needs to be better. Training will continue after Zayn wakes. Colden i will be ready for you even if it means death in the end.
End of POV.
New chappy!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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