Chapter 24

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Y/N's POV:

Couple days later

I was watching T.V. when the sudden feeling of something watching me washed over me. I looked out the window and saw a dog with brown fur. He was staring at me and hidden very well among the trees and snow. I slowly got up off the couch and went towards the door without grabbing my jacket. Unlocking it, I walked outside, down the front steps and looked back in the spot the dog was in. Surprisingly he was gone. I looked around but didnt see him anywhere.
"What are you doing out here?" I heard Harry ask. I turned around and shrugged.
"I thought I saw something out here." I said beginning to walk back. Suddenly, I was tackled to the side and landing in the snow with a huff and shutting my eyes.
"Y/N!" I heard Harry shout watching me in shock. I opened eyes and turned my head right to see the same dog hovering over me. He stared me in the eyes and I realized he had piercing black eyes.
I didnt dare to move as I continued to stare him in the eyes but Harry did. He ran over and tried to get the dog off but only got growled at. He backed off but the other boys showed up to see the scene.
"What happened?!" I heard Zayn ask.
"This dog came out of nowhere!" Harry answered back.
"That doesn't answer the question!" Liam shouted at him.

The dog-who was still staring me in the eyes- slowly backed up off me. I sat up and Niall ran over towards me reaching out. Though before he could reach me the dog ended eye contact and turned around. He growled at Niall who immediately backed up with a shocked face.
The dog stood in front of me in a protective stance and was snarling at the boys, who were slowly backing up.
"H-hey!" I said reaching out and touching the dog. "There my friends. Don't be mean."
The dog looked back at me and stared at me. Finally he made a slight nod and sat down looking at the boys, inspecting them.
I inspected the dog and saw how large he was like he could carry a body on his back. I stood up and then I made notice of how cold I was. I grabbed my arms and shivered a little. I saw the dogs ears perk up and he looked at me. I then found myself being swept off my feet and landing on the dogs back. He ran over towards the steps and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He ran up the steps and clawed at the door. I looked back at the boys who were staring at me. I slowly got off the dog only to be swept off my feet again and land back on the dogs back in a sitting position. Still clawing at the door, the dog let out a whine and Louis quickly ran over and opened it. The dog ran in so fast I almost fell of but quickly gripped his fur. He walked over towards the couch, jumped on it and threw me off. I landed on my back and stared at the dog who was sitting by the couch. I sat up on my elbows and looked at the boys.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
"We thought you would have an idea." Harry said and I stared back at the dog.
Did I just get a guard dog/pet?
End of POV.

Super sorry about the delay. I got grounded for a week. But I'm back now with a new chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

Love ya,


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