Chapter 5

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I'm back once again


Y/N's POV:

So I've been here a couple days and right now I'm sitting on  the couch watching the T.V.,  just some random show is on and it's boring me quite a bit, so I changed it to the news. When I saw my family on there I sat up.

"Y/N, wherever you are we're going to save you. We all know you wouldn't run away and this is your 5th day gone. We're really worried about you. We hope your okay." My mother said with tears running down her face.

"Wow, wherever you are Y/N we hope you are okay." The interviewer said and I shut off the T.V.

"What a crock. My family is missing me thinking I'm being hurt and mistreated but I'm fine. That kind of makes me feel guilty." I said to myself looking down a bit, but quickly shaking my head after. "No I won't let this get to me. I've read too many fanfics to know that I don't need to cry or try to run away. These boys aren't mean they've been the nicest people to me. If I go back I'll be questioned." 

I walked up the steps and went towards Liam's room. I opened the door a bit and peeked in. I saw him laying on his bed with earphones in his ears and his eyes closed. He was asleep. A plan suddenly came into my mind and I quickly left the room. I checked the other boys room and saw that they were doing nothing but sleeping as well. Is that all these boys do besides plan on what robbery there going to do next? Well then it's a good thing I have this plan coming up to make everything become wild. I smirked as I closed Louis' door and walked back down the hall and went down the stairs. I've been here long enough to know where everything is. I ran down the hall and down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I rushed over towards the fridge and took out the whip cream and cherries. I rushed back upstairs and quietly went into Liam's room. I sneaked over towards him and shook the can in my hand. I carefully started to spray whipped cream. I gave him a beard and bushy eyebrows. I put 2 cherries on his cheeks. I so badly wanted to laugh but I couldn't so I took out my phone and took a quick picture. I quickly got out of there and went to Zayn's room where I did the same thing to him and the rest of the boys. Oh what a laugh this will be. After taking a picture of Niall I quickly scrambled out of the room and went downstairs to return to the kitchen. I my supplies away and walked over towards the cupboard, opening it and pulling out the Sour Cream and Onion chips. I walked back into the kitchen and sat on the couch. I turned on the T.V. and watched Spongebob, ate some chips and waited for the boys to wake.

I guess I feel asleep while watching T.V. because the next thing I knew was that I was jumping up at the sound of 5 different screams and footsteps stomping on the steps.

"What did you do!" Harry yelled at me when they all got down here. I turned to them and saw them whipping of the cream and cherries.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You did this didn't you!" Louis said.

"Yeah. I did. Only because I was bored out of my mind and you guys were sleeping." I explained.

"So you decided to decorate out faces!" Zayn screeched.

"Yep." I said popping the 'P'.

"We'll get you back." Niall said.

"Good luck with that -Oh I tok pictures! Look." I said pulling out my phone and showing them. They gasped and ran upstairs.

"I can't believe you!" Liam shouted.

"I know!" I shouted back and looked back at the T.V. smiling.

That was so entertaining. Seeing them so freak out. I should do it more often.

End of POV.


Sorry though not sorry for not posting in a while. I've been reading some more fanfics and trying to think of some new idea's on what to write for this new chapter. Anyway hope you liked it

Love ya, 


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