Chapter 15

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Colden's POV:

Things aren't going as planned. I'm sitting in my apartment thinking of ways to hey Y/N but I look at the news and find out that she's been kidnapped! That is fantastic! Not! What am i going to do? She's gone and no one knows where she is!
I'm sitting on my couch thinking about the possible places she could be and who might have her. Maybe her parents know something. No, they don't know other wise they wouldn't have gone to the police. She was a loved and known girl so i can see why people here are making such a big ruckus on trying to find her. Though her parents might know something. I smirk as i stand. I grab my keys, jacket, gun and leave the house.
I made it to her house in less than 20 minutes. I knocked on the door and after a couple seconds her father opens the door. His face falls when he sees me.
"What are you doing here?" He shouted. I simply smirked and pulled out my gun. I pointed and shot his leg. He yelled out in pain and stumbled into the house. I followed and shut the door, locking it. Y/N's father to the floor and landed on the side of their white couch and gripped his leg.
"Honey what was that noise? Are you okay?" Y/N's mothers voice was heard coming down the stairs.
When she saw the scene she let out a shriek and ran over towards her husband.
"What did you do!?" She shouted at me.
"You are being too loud." I said and raised the gun towards her. She shut her mouth and stared at me in fear. Just what i wanted.
"Now your going to tell me. Where is Y/N?" I asked.
"We don't know." Her father answered. I glared and tightened my grip on the gun.
"You're lying." I hissed through clenched teeth. They had to know where she was!
"I'm sorry but we don't." Her mother spoke. I gripped my light brown hair tight and looked around the room.
"Then who knows where she is?!" I shouted.
"Can you please put the gun down." Y/N's father spoke and i looked at him.
"Both of you are now no use to me." I said and aimed the gun at Y/N's father. His eyes widened and i pulled the trigger.
His body feel to the floor sideways with a bullet in his head. Y/N's mother screamed in horror while tears ran down her face. She looked at me in anger.
"How could you!" She shouted at me.
"You are no use. You don't know where she is. I have to get rid of you." I said aiming the gun at her. The look of anger never left her face though.
"Your insane and sick!!!" She shouted. "I hope when my daughter finds out what happened she kills you!!!"
That set me off. I pulled the trigger and the bullet hit her heart. Her body fell over laying next to her husbands dead corpse. I stared at the bodies before leaving out of the backdoor. Sirens were heard in front of the house. Seems like a neighbor called the cops. Good thing theres the woods. I disappeared into the darkness and didn't look back. Y/N, you will be found.
End of POV.

1 hour later

Y/N's POV:

I dropped the remote staring at the screen in shock. No. It can't be. He wouldn't do a thing like this. I stared at the words in shock. My parents...dead. I started to shake as tears filed my vision. I gripped my head and let out a yell of pain and sorrow. The boys either ran down the steps or came out of the kitchen to see what was going on. When they saw me crying the immediately ran over.
"What's-"Liam started to ask when the T.V. cut him off. Their heads turned as they watched the news.
"Yes you heard right folks. Y/N's parents M/N and F/N L/N are dead. A neighbor heard shouting and gunshots so she called the police. Is anyone safe in the L/N family? Their beloved daughter was kidnapped and now they won't ever see her again." The news reporter stated and I cried harder.
"He did it. Didn't he?" Niall asked.
"If course he did!" I shouted standing up letting anger fill my veins. "The bastard is going to pay for killing my family!!!"
I clenched my fist right feeling slight pain as my freshly-cut nails dug into my palm. I started walking towards the backdoor.
"Where are you going?" Zayn asked.
"I need to let out this pain this sick human being caused me!" I said and spun around. I raised my fist up as my eyes glared full of hate.
"He will pay with his LIFE!!" I shouted and walked out of the house.
Colden you don't know what you've just done. I will kill you without mercy. I will kill you without hesitation. I will kill you without regret. I will make sure you die with pain like my parents did. I will never forgive you!!!
Ends of POV.
Oh my your really mad aren't you. Super sorry for killing off your parents. Don't be upset.
Hope you enjoyed. Took me a while to figure out what kind of chapter i would do. This seemed like a good idea.

Love ya,


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