Chapter 7

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up the next morning at 5:30 hearing talking downstairs. I got out of bed, exited my room, headed down the stairs, and went into the livingroom. There I saw the boys standing around a table, looking at a large piece of paper.
"Harry should enter through the front doors of the bank and shoot the first 4 cameras there. With his good aiming he'll get 4 perfect shots. After we'll come in and take out security. " Liam explained.
"Yeah but this is the most popular bank around there's bound to be a lot of guards. We won't be able to knock them all out. Not without getting caught and arrested. " Niall said.
"Then get a smoke gun. " I spoke up causing them all to look at me.
"What?" Louis asks.
"A smoke gun you know one of those gins that smoke up a whole room. " I explained.
"Oh but where would we get some?" Harry asked.
"I've got some in my room hidden. " I said. "One of you will have to go get it. "
"We can't just sneak into your house. "Liam said.
"Yes you can." I said.
"Why don't you do it?" Niall suggested.
"I would but i don't want to go home. " I said.
"I believe we can understand why but your the only one who knows the place inside out." Louis said.
I thought about it for a bit until i agreed.
"Let's head out now." I said. "My family should still be asleep. "
After those words were said we left.

Y/N's House

We parked down the road a bit from my house and I got out.
"I'll hurry keep the car running." I said and put my hood up.
"We'll be right here. " Harry assured me and I gave him a small smile before turning and walking towards my house.
I snuck in through my back porch window and quietly made my way through the quiet house. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 6:00.
Mother will be waking up soon. I have to hurry. I hurried to my room and grabbed the item that i needed with a few more things and quickly got out of there. It was then i heard my parents room door open as i passed it. My eyes widened as i moved quicker than usual. I reached the window but it wasn't long before i heard a 'HEY' from behind me. I didn't bother look back, i just kept moving. I crawled out and quickly shut the glass. I ran down the steps of my porch and took off. I jumped back in the car with the boys and shouted:
"Drive, Drive, Drive!"
Liam took off in full speed. We past my house and i saw my family looking at the car.
"We better hurry up because I'm done with this day now. " I said feeling tired.
"You get everything." Harry asked.
"Yeah. " I said showing them.
All of us ended up talking about the weapons I had for the whole car ride.

End of POV
Another update. I'm thinking about doing something to you guys. Bring back something or rather someone you guys in the story don't want to see. Maybe an ex boyfriend that hurt you earlier in life and suddenly wants you back but that's going to have to wait.

Love ya,


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