Chapter 23

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2 Hours later

Y/N's POV:

Okay right now we're all in town wearing hats, sunglasses and random clothes. I dressed like a boy so it would be easier for people not to notice or remember me.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"The grocery store. We're running out of food." Liam answered and I nodded. I looked around the area to make sure we weren't being followed by Colden or inspected by the town's people.
After a bit we entered the store and separated going ti get the things we actually need. Yeah right. Only Liam is going to do some real shopping while the rest of us get junk to snack for later. I chuckled at the thought.

I entered the candy isle and saw Niall ready there with Harry and Louis all the way on the other side. I walked over and stopped next to him and picked up a bag of lollipops.
"Do you like lollipops?" Niall asked.
"Yeah. My mother ate them whenever she had the chance. It was her favorite candy. She even loved all the flavors." I said smiling a bit.
"Sorry to ask but what was your fathers?" Niall asked.
"Anything with caramel." I answered noticing Niall nodding.
"I feel really terrible about your loss. I don't even know how to feel because my parents are...well..."He trailed off and I sighed letting out a small laugh.
"Yeah, just make sure there alright. Enjoy the fact that there still alive. And away from the danger here." I said and picked up a bag of Sour Patch Kids. I went to turn away but stopped short. I hesitated while listening to Niall pick out some candy. Sighing I turned around and wrapped my arms around him tight. He tensed a bit before slowly hugging me back. I took in his scent. Mint, he smelled heavenly and it made me not want to let go. Sadly I did and gave him a small smile.
"Thank you." I said and turned away. I left the isle holding my bags of candy and headed towards the soda isle. There, I found Zayn talking to a blond girl. They were both having a good time talking to each other and didnt notice my presence so I walked up behind Zayn. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek.
"Babe, you said you were going to wait for me." I whined. Zayn snapped his head towards me, fear and shock in his eyes while the girl looked shocked and disappointed.
"Your gay?" She asked in a small voice.
"NO!" Zayn yelled looking back at the girl shaking his head. The girl went to slap him but I quickly reached out and gripped her wrist tight.
"Yeah, dont do that sweetie. I was joking. I'm not his girlfriend." I said and she looked at me like I had three heads.
"Your a guy!" She shouted.
"And your a girl!" I shouted back. "I'm not a boy, it's just what I'm wearing." I said.
"Well okay then." She said.
"What's your name? I never got it." Zayn spoke up.
"Perrie." The girl answered.
"Nice to meet you." I said and walked away.
"I have to go too. Later cutie." Zayn said and followed me.
"Can I have your number?" Perrie asked.
"Sorry but that is something you cant have." Zayn said and we turned the corner leaving the girl by herself.

I talked with Zayn a bit as we walked around grabbing some more snacks before gunshots and screaming was heard. Our heads snapped towards the sound and I saw about maybe 10 guys standing there holding guns.
"Alright everyone down!" One shouted. Me and Zayn looked at each other before we heard the rest of the boys run up.
"Anyone shot?" Louis asked.
"No." I answered.
"Alright. Lets get out of here!" Liam said.
"How?! There armed and we're not!" Niall whisper-shouted.
"Actually..." I spoke and they all looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I reached behind and pulled out 2 small handguns from my backpockets. Liam went to speak but i reached into my jacket and pulled out a regular gun.
"Is that all?" Liam asked and I shook my head handing the guns to Harry, Louis, and Zayn. I bent down and pulled my pant legs up and pulled out 2 more small handguns and one more on the left side of my right leg. I stood straight and held out 2 guns to Liam and Niall. Both took them and 5 pairs of eyes were staring at me.
"What just in case we get robbed." I defended. They all just sighed and shook there heads.
"Alright, fully loaded. Lets move." Liam ordered and we obeyed. We walked towards the front and the men immediately spotted us.
"Hey we said everyone down!" A guy yelled aiming is gun towards us. Louis didn't care as he walked up towards him. The man took a shot and Louis quickly moved to the side letting the bullet hit a box of twinkies. He aimed his gun and shot the man in the leg. The man fell to the floor screaming in pain and that was the signal for the others to come running. All raised their guns at us and we just looked at each other. Smirking, we aimed and shot multiple bullets and after 3 minutes all men were down either dead or bleeding getting ready to die.
"Well looks like we're having everything free. Let's go." Liam said and we ran out the door.
I love this do much.
End of POV.
Double update baby! Hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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