Chapter 22

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N!" Was the only thing I heard when I down in the basement counting the money we stole. So far we had over 5,000.
I heard the door fly open behind me and I looked back to see Louis, panting.
"Yes?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Niall fell cut himself with a knife while doing the dishes and it's really bad!" He explained. My eyes widened as I dropped the money that was in my hand on to the table and ran towards the door and up the stairs with Louis following quickly behind.
"He's in the-" Louis started but I cut him off.
"I know where he is."
I didnt exactly need him to tell me where he is because the strong fresh scent of blood filled my nose before I entered the livingroom.
I entered the kitchen to see Niall sitting on a chair and holding his hand with the rest of the boys surrounding him. I rushed over and kneeled down in front of him.
"You alright?" I asked gently taking his hand and looking at the cut.
"Oh yeah. I cut my hand all the time, so it's no big deal, Y/N." He said sarcastically.
"Don't get smart with me. Liam get me the alcohol, Zayn a huge bandage, Harry a washcloth, Louis hold his hand." I instructed and they nodded, leaving. Louis walked over towards Niall and gripped his non cut hand. The others returned and placed them on the table. I reached and grabbed the pair of socks.
"What do you need socks fo-" Niall spoke but gagged as I shoved the clothing into his mouth. I grabbed the alcohol and washcloth next. I poured some of the liquid on to the square material.
Niall's eyes widened as he realized what I was going to do and started to struggle.
"Hold him." I said. Harry, Liam, and Zayn gripped him tight and I quickly placed the wet cloth on the cut. Niall screamed through the socks while biting down hard on it and squeezing Louis' hand like his life depended on it. Louis on the other hand looked like he was going to yank his hand out of the younger lad's grip. I pressed harder on the cut and Louis screamed out. I looked and saw Niall had dug his nails into his skin.
"Are you done yet?!" Louis yelled.
"Yep." I said and took away the cloth. Both boys did a sigh of relief. I grabbed the badage and placed it over the now clean cut.
"Give that a few hours and it will be completely healed." I said and stood.
"How?" Niall asked.
"Well its a cut. It's going to heal." I said and he nodded.
"Anyway can I go back to counting the money?" I asked.
"Sure. Thank you." Niall said and I looked at lou who was being comforted by Harry.
"You alright lou?" I asked.
"No I'm not alright! He almost ripped my skin!" He shouted.
"Don't be a baby just leave it be for a while." I said and walked away.
"Yeah wait until it happens to you." I heard louis mumble.
"I heard that." I said and disappeared down the steps.
End of POV.
Hope you enjoyed.

Love ya,


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