Chapter 3

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My eyes fluttered open and I slowly lifted my head. I took in the view of the room with only a light that was hanging over me. I was looking until I remembered what happened to me. I went to run but I noticed that I was sitting a chair. I looked at  back and I felt my hands were tied together. I started struggling. Though while I was doing this I didn't notice I was being watched. So when I heard someone clear their throat I looked up with my bangs covering my left eye and saw 5 figures standing in the dark.

"Having fun?" One said and I blushed.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I asked sounding brave. I wasn't scared. Not even a little.

"Well it's our job. It's what we do." The voice said.

"I don't know who 'we' is." I said bored. "Show yourself."

"If you insist." The voice said and all 5 walked forwards into the light. My eyes widened as I saw the one and only One Direction. My jaw dropped and they smirked at my shocked face.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Harry asked in a teasing voice while they all slowly walked over to me. When they got closer I lashed out my left foot and kicked Louis in the goods. He grabbed himself and fell to the floor. I did the same thing with Zayn then lifted my legs up kicking Niall in the face. My whole body went up and I back flipped. I was now standing but Harry and Liam were coming at me so I used my foot to pick up the chair. I kicked it up in the air and kicked it towards Harry who caught it but fell back. I ducked a punch from Liam then kicked his feet from under him. He landed on the ground with a thud. All 5 boys were on the floor groaning in pain and I stood there trying to get my hands free. Wait..... I just beat the most wanted men in the world.


Hope you enjoyed not going to say much. Hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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