Chapter 10

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Y/N's POV:

For the next couple days, we stayed inside the house. Me preferably because well I don't want someone to see my face and shout something out. The boys faces are pretty well known since they don't wear masks so they definitely didn't leave the house unless they had on a hat and sunglasses. Though for the past couple days the boys have been getting weird around me. Like earlier today when I saw them chatting among themselves, I had walked over and said 'hi' but they stared at me for a long time before murmuring a 'bye' and left with a blush on their faces. It's confusing me but I will find out what's got them so bugged.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs. I didn't see the boys so I walked into the kitchen and to the cabinet and got out a glass cup. I walked over to the sink and rinsed it out. I looked outside and stared at the tree's. The boys live in like a wooded area where there aren't any houses around them unless you want to walk a couple miles. I shook my head and turned and walked over towards the fridge. Opening it I took out a Pepsi, opened it, and poured the can into my cup. I threw the can away and took a sip. I got lost in space and didn't hear Liam walk in or see him freeze when he saw me and slowly walk out. When I came back to reality, I had a feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around but before I could look towards the window, someone jumped through it causing me to scream out and leave myself defenseless. I got tackled down to the floor as glass hit the floor and scatter everywhere. I struggled to get the body off me because this guy was starting to touch me everywhere.

"You're very pretty." The man said in my ear while I tried to get up. I heard the boys running down the stairs as fast as they could but I also heard them trip and fall. I felt chills go up my spine as the guys hands traveled up my leg since I was wearing very short pajama shorts.

"Get off me!" I shouted.

"No way. You're going to be a fun one. Now sit still." The man said trying to kiss me. I moved all around and finally found what I wanted. I hurried and quickly kneed him in the goods causing him to groan and fall off me. I got up and went to run but he grabbed my ankle causing me to fall right in front of the doorway where I saw the boys trying to get up after falling but in too much pain. I reached out towards them as the man pulled me back towards him and flipped me over onto my back.

"Now you little bitch. Hold still and let me do this." He said trying to lift my shirt up. I felt tears coming because memories started coming back into my head about my ex-boyfriend. Colden. He tried to do the same thing to me and if it wasn't for my resisting and my parents coming home in time. I would have been raped and scarred for life. I punched the man in the face and he hit the floor. I rolled onto my stomach and got up. The boys ran into the room and I ran into Louis and Harry's arms and started crying. Liam, Zayn, and Niall hurried and got the man, taking care of him. I don't know what they did but I hoped they killed the bastard. I continued to cry in Louis and Harry's shoulder with them holding me tight.

"It's okay, love." Louis said.

"Everything's okay." Harry said.

They both walked me into the living room and we sat on the couch. The other 3 came in with blood on their faces and clothes but I didn't care. As long as that man is gone I'm fine.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah." I said and sat up.

"You look pretty shaken up. Want to tell us what's really wrong. Because the look on your face tells me this happened before." Liam said and I sighed.

"Alright. 5 years ago I had a boyfriend named Colden. He was very sweet and loving. He was my first boyfriend and my parents had approved of him. After some time he started becomeing rude. Day in and day out he would tell me what to do like I was his slave. Whenever I said no he got pissed. He shouted horrible things at me and threw stuff all around. Luckily we would be at his house whenever he had these anger problems. I mever told my parents because I thought I could handle it. Though one day he got really touchy with me at my house when we were in my room and my parents were gone. I tried to stop him but he wouldnt listen. The situation started to get worse because he tried to strip me and himself. I didnt let him and that got him angry. He started being rough but I still didnt let him win. Finally he pushed me on my bed and tried to force himself on me. After I started crying and screaming for help. Luckily my parents came home and they heard my cries for help. They busted through my door and ripped Colden off me. My mother held me as I cried and my father beat Colden until he was unconscious. After he called the police and one thing lead to another. Colden went to jail and i havent seen him ever since. Even after he left i decided that the situation would never happen again so i increased my karate skills and strength." I said. I looked at the boys and they had blank expressions.

"That is so sad. How can anyone do that to you." Liam said after a while and that set me off. I cried again and they rushed over and hugged me.
"We'll never leave you alone again." All of them said and I smiled as a few more tears fell.
Dedicated to SnowFrost2 who gave me the name for the ex-boyfriend.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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