Chapter 9

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Y/N's POV:

When we got back to the house all of us went straight into the basement where a wide and long table sat in the middle of the room. We walked over and dumped all the money we got onto the table. My eyes widened at how much money there was.
"I've never seen so much money in my life!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, thats what we kind of like about this job." Liam said.
"Why did you guys get into this stuff anyway?" I asked.
"Well in the beginning it was just an idea but when we did try it and we successfully got away, it became a regular thing." Louis explained.
"When you robbed the place did you have masks on?" I asked.
"No." Niall answered.
"And if you were to get caught?" I asked raising my eyebrow. The boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"Then we would have been caught." Zayn simply said looking at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the money and started counting it and the boys started talking.
"Y/N." Liam said after I hit 3,000 making me look up. As I did a piece of my hair fell over my left shoulder and fell over my eye. I reached up and pulled my hair back and looked at all the boys.
"Yeah?" I asked but I didn't get an answer instead I was being stared at.
"Guys?" I asked and they snapped out of it.
"Sorry uh, are you going to help us on the next robbery?" Liam asked.
"Oh yeah. Definately." I said flipping my back over my shoulder. They smiled at me and I returned it and continued to count the money.
What I didn't know was that they were still staring at me with a small blush on their face because I was so focused on counting the money. I also didnt know that when I looked up at them and my hair falling over my shoulder, they were watching me in slow motion.

End of POV.


Okay new chapter is up, hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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