Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV:

We spent the whole day yesterdsy training. The boys got worn out so I'm letting them sleep in. I basically worked them to death. I made them fight me, I showed them how to dodge knife attacks, bullets, and made them run for hours, which I'm going to make them do again because there not quick enough right now. Today I'll have them lift weights because they do have gym equipments that Liam uses once in a while.
I continued to think about what else was going to be done training wise as I walked towards Liams room. I opened the door and peeked in to see all the boys piled in the room passed out. I must have worked them a little too hard. Oh well, they have to deal with the pain like I did. I walked over towards Louis, who was sleeping on the floor, kneeled down and gently shook him.
"Louis, wake up." I whispered. His eyes fluttered but he didnt wake up. I shook him again.
"Come on Louis. You gotta get up." I said and his slowly opened.
"Y-Y/N?" H asked sleepily.
"Yes, its time for you to wake up." I told him and he sat up rubbing his eyes like a 5 year old. I almost cooed at the adorableness but got up and walked over towards Niall. I shook him like I did Louis but he didnt budge. Sighing I looked back at Louis and saw that he fell back to sleep. I huffed and stood straight.
"This is going to be harder than I thought." I said to myself before an idea popped into my head. I walked out of the room and went downstairs. I came back up with a airhorn in my hand. I entered Liams room and raised my hand, with the horn, in thr air. I tucked my ear into my shoulder and covered the other one with my hand. I pressed the button and a loud sound filled the room. The boys jumped up screaming and flailed around. I lowered the can and looked at the boys who looked terrified and surprised.
"Now that your up, we can start the day." I said and they all looked at me.
"Why?" Zayn asked.
"You have to train." I said and they groaned.
"You killed us yesterday." Niall said.
"Suck it up and deal with the pain like I did." I said.
"Alright fine. We'll be down." Harry said
I turned around and walked out but I could have sworn I heard liam say
"Your lucky we like you alot."
End of POV.
New chapter hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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