Chapter 18

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Colden's POV:

She stabbed me. She actually stabbed me! She literally stabbed me!! I never knew she would do such a thing, but it had been 5 years and a lot of things can change. She's more skilled. More determined.
I entered my apartment and went towards the bathroom. Grabbing the first aid kit, i grabbed the disinfectant liquid for done tissue and whipped it. I hissed feeling the pain but let it be. I put gauze over the stab and placed some white tape over it. I put the things away and exited my bathroom. I entered my kitchen and looked in the fridge. I couldnt even focus because she stabbed me. It literally makes my mind go bonkers! I thought she would stay the sweet, innocent, little girl she was 5 years ago but nope that went straight out the window. She didnt even flinch when she stabbed me. She had a plain, expressionless face. Though i must admit she looked beautiful. Her long hair was now short and looked darker. Her
S/C had a glow to it and her eyes were just amazing. Even when they widened when they saw me I could see the beauty in them. Any guy would be lucky to have her and thats what I cant let happen. No body can have her but me.
End of POV.

The next morning

Y/N's POV:

"Wake Up!" Was the words I heard before heavy weight was landing and crushing me. I groaned opened my eyes and looked at my intruder.
It was Niall.
"You've slept long enough. Now its time for you to get up." He said with a smile.
"If I had a gun with me you would be so dead right now." I grumbled and sat up rubbing my eye. I looked up at Niall who hadnt left yet but was staring at me as if he was inspecting my face.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"Yeah you can bt getting dressed in some different clothes and meet us in the backyard for some more training." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"Sind last we realized Colden is infact strong and so we need to train more. For the sake of our lives." He said and i blinked at him.
"What about breakfast?" I asked.
"No time!" He yelled running out of the room. I still sat on my bed and watched him leave but he came back with Louis behind him.
"You move too slow!!" Louis yelled and they both grabbed my wrists and pulled me towards the window. I was fully awake to realize what they were going to do and I started struggling.
"What are you doing?! Let me go!" I shouted as louis opened my window. Soon enough both boys slung me out the window head first. I shrieked as my body front flipped and i couldnt tell what was going on. I shut my eyes tight not bothering to try to land on my feet like I usually would but I'm not in the right position to do so. I suddenly felt myself land in a pair of arms. I opened my eyes and saw Harry standing there smiling at me holding me bridal style.
"So glad you could drop in." He joked and i scoffed.
"How very dare you joke at a time like this. I could have died!" I shouted.
"Oh relax. I was stranding right here." He said.
"And if yku werent?" I tested crossing my arms. Harry just smirked at me and set me down on my feet. I swear if Colden doesn't kill me these boys will. It's actually hard to believe these guys are thieves but hey don't judge a book by its cover.

End of POV.
New chappy!! Hope you enjoyed!

Love ya,


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