Chapter 21

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Colden's POV:

I'm beginning to hate it here. Sitting on this stupid couch, only getting up to use the restroom or get something to eat while my stab wound slowly kills me. 'It should have healed completely by now' some of you are thinking right now but no.  The knife i had was a pocket knife, simple but more deadlier. I put poison on it.
I thought i would have gotten Y/N that night i attacked but everything backfired. I ended up getting stabbed with my own knife and getting poison in my system. I don't have an antidote which i now find stupid, so I'm slowly dieing.
I'm getting weaker with each passing day but I've kept strong because i won't die unless i have one final battle with Y/N. She has to die before i do or else I'll die a weak man who survived prison and wanted revenge for nothing.
I have to see her again. Once more before my life is taken away.
End of POV.
Sorry its short but i realized I havent put colden in for a bit and I wanted you guys to know whats up with him. Hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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