Chapter 17

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Y/N's POV:

I saw him. He was standing there looking at us from the outside. He just stared at us with a smirk growing on his face. Luckily he didn't notice that i noticed he was there.
When he left, I looked at the boys.
"He's found us." I said and they froze.
"What?" Harry asked.
"I just saw him outside." I said and they all turned around to look outside.
"He's gone. We have to practice more today. I have a feeling we're going to see him tonight." I said and they all looked at me giving me a nod.
"Let's go."
With that we left to the backyard and we trained for the rest of the day. By the time we got back inside we we're all tired. We dragged ourselves up the stairs and went to our rooms. I didn't change out of my black v-neck t-shirt and short red skirt. I kicked off my black sneakers and face planted into bed.
I woke up to feeling like i was being watched. I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes slowly. Suddenly a hand was placed over my mouth. My eyes widened letting me be fully awake. I looked at my intruder and saw it was Colden. He was smirking down at me, hovering, actually on top of me with his legs on either sides of me, with a knife in his free hand. I didn't move I just stared at him as he stared at me. I then felt a gust of wind hit my side giving me goosebumps. He came through my window.
"Long time, no see Y/N." He said and i just glared.
"Now let's end this already." Colden said and brought the knife down fast. I quickly tilted my head to the side letting the knife stab into the pillow. Colden's eyes widened as i brought my legs up to my chest and put my feet on his chest. I pushed him off as hard as i could and he flew across the room hitting the wall. He slide down and sat on the floor with his head down. I got up and stared at him. It wasn't long before my door flew open and the boys ran in and rushed over towards me. When they saw me looking in another direction they looked and saw Colden who was now standing up. He stared at us with an evil glare.
"What you have bodyguards now?" He asked.
"No." I said giving him anotger glare.
"Well darling you know what I want and your going to let me have it." Colden said.
"And what's that?" I asked.
"You!" He shouted and ran over towards me. His hands were reaching out towards me but he didnt even place a hair on me because the next thing he knew was that he was getting punched in the stomach by Zayn. He doubled over in pain and gasped for air. Next Louis got behind him and put his foot on colden's butt and pushed him forward. Colden landed on his face next to the bed and all of us had moved so we were standing behind him. Slowly, Colden got up gripping the bed with one hand and holding his stomach with the other. He was lightly gasping before he turned around to look at us.
"Your going to pay for that." He hissed at Zayn.
"Yeah with what strength?" Zayn asked teasingly. Colden glared and gripped the handle of the knife that was still sticking out of the pillow. He drew his arm back aiming the knife at not Zayn or any of the other boys but at me.
"I will have you" He whispered and threw the knife at me. It spun around in circles getting closer and closer to me, but before I could move Liam's hand shot out in front of my face and caught the blade before it could stick into me, I wasn't fazed though. I grabbed the handle and took the knife out of his hand. He looked at me before moving away. I stared at Colden with an expressionless face. He smirked at me once again before runnig towards me. How stupid of him to run at me unarmed. I hurried and lashed my hand with the knife out. It stabbed right in his left side of his stomach. He yelled out in pain before backing up. I pulled the knife out of him as he did and we all watched him. He was holding his new wound with blood rushing through his fingers before he looked back at me with a shocked expression. He stayed still before he started to run out of the room and out of the house. I watched him from the window and saw he was limping trying to get away from the area.
"He got away" Niall said with a montone voice watching him too.
"He'll be back. Just wait and see" I said and walked over towards my bed. The boys left and i snuggled into the covers before falling into a deep sleep.

End of POV.
You thought i would end it so soon. No way there hasn't been any romance yet. I can't end a story like that. Stay tuned for more.
Hope you enjoyed.

Love ya,

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