Chapter 25

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Y/N's POV:

So a day has passed and the dog refuses to leave my side or the house. He sticks to me wherever i go except the bathroom, he waits outside the door. The boys keep some distance from me because if they get too close they get growled at. The dog-who I'm going to name Max-
only let's them near me sometimes.

"Why is that dog so attached to you?" Liam asked as all of us were watching T.V.
"I have no idea. He just likes me. Also his name is Max." I replied.
"He really did come out of nowhere. Where do you think he came from?" Harry asked.
"Maybe he was a stray." Niall said giving Max a quick pet. Max looked at Niall with his ears perked up. He rubbed his head on his legs silently askinh for more pats. Realizing, Niall did so and ruffled his head. I smiled at them because i love people who trats animals right. Niall looked at me and gave me a smile. My heart skipped a beat when he did that. Why do I feel like this? Niall.
I blush at thinking of his name. What are doing to me Niall?

"So what are we doing today besided watching T.V.?" Louis asked.
"Uh, nothing." Zayn said.
"Well I'm going to train." I said and stood up. Max pulled away from Niall's hand and watched me. I walked towards the backdoor and opened it. I never bother grabbing my coat anymore. I walked out and started closing the door but before it closed at the way Max squeezed his way through the small crack and was standing next to me. I smiled at him and walked over to the center of the backyard.
"I'm deciding not to train anymore." I said to Max. His ears perked up.
"I'm going to train you."
He seemed to understand what I said and barked.
I threw a punch at him and he dodged it successfully. I threw a kick and he jumped over my leg. He landed and jumped at me. His weight and paws pushed me down. I landed on the snow and was attacked by being kissed all over my face. I laughed and tried pushing him off but he wouldnt budge.
"Come on Max. We have to train." I said and he got off. I stood and threw a surprise kick at him. My ankle emded up in his mouth causing me too gasp.
He wasnt biting me just holding my ankle in his mouth, but the next thing I knew was that he tossed his head in the air letting my leg go, making me do a split and my other leg was kicked from under me and I was falling backwards. I didnt land in the snow like I thought I would instead only on top of Max' soft back. I looked at him as he looked at me. I sighed and smiled at him.
"You are really weird." I said to him and he barked.
New chapter hope you enjoyed.

Love ya,


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