Chapter 6

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Y/N's POV:

Sooooo, a few more days have pasted and the boys have been trying to get me back for 'decorating' their faces as Zayn says. Though they aren't doing a very good job, Harry tried the water bucket on top of the door, only i opened my door fully and it tompled over and water splashed on all of them and the bucket fell over Niall's poor head. Zayn tried to smash pie in my face only i ducked and it landed on Harry's face. Liam tried smack cam but I moved last second and ended up smacking louis in the face . Louis tried to trip me into the pool with Loam behind me on his hands and knees but i jumped over him and landed into the pool and louis kneed liam in the face. Niall put whipped cream in my hand when i acted asleep and when he tried to tickle my nose -with all the boys kneeled down with him- I shot my hand out and Niall quickly moved and i hit my hand on top of Zayn's hair. He screamed so loud and ran out out of the room. That recently happened today and so a couple hours later I'm in my room, on my phone when they all walk in. I look up at them as they surround my bed.
"Yes?" I asked.
"We've been talking and well we think you should help us on our missions." Liam said.
"What?" I asked shocked.
"Yes, we want you to help us. Your skills are amazing and they could help us make ourselves more scary." Liam explained.
"Well i kind of like walking around the city without my face and name on a piece of paper that says I'm wanted." I told them.
"Come on you have awesome skills and with your help robbing places will be easy. Our last robbery, well, we almost got caught luckily if that officer hadn't tripped we'd be behind bars." Niall said. They all looked at me with pleading eyes. I started thinking until I made up my mind. I sighed with a smile.
"Alright. I'll help you." I said and they cheered in happiness. The next thing I knew was that they jumped on the bed and hugged me tight. I laughed with delight.
"You guys are crazy. " I said.
"We know." All of them replied.
I know what I just agreed to and i should feel guilty but the thing is... i don't.
End of POV.

Here's my new post. Hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,

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