Chapter 29

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Colden's POV:

Tonight's the night I'm going to strike.
Prepare yourself Y/N, because I'm coming.
With that I packed my knife and gun and left the apartment. For good.
End of POV.

Y/N's POV:
It had only been about 5 hours after watching Toy Story. All the boys went to their rooms and I stayed downstairs watching T.V.
Max was in the kitchen eating so I was practically alone. It was getting really dark outside. More darker than usual, but I wasnt going to complain I like the dark.
After finishing an episode of Spongbob, I turned the T.V. off and started to head towards the stairs. I then felt like someone was staring at me. It all had felt like slow motion as I turned my head to look out the window and saw a body jumping towards it. My eyes widened as I turned to run, but the sound of glass shattering and my scream echoed throughout the the whole house. I was tackled to the floor and a body was on top of me. I saw a flash of silver and quickly moved my head to the side hearing the sound of a knife being stabbed into the floor. I quickly pushed the body off me and jumped up. Max and the boys except Zayn came running and was by my side in a second. We all stared at the person as they got up and faced us.
"I shouldnt be surprised that your here." I said glaring at Colden. He looked weak, like he was dying, but I couldnt find myself to care.
"Y/N my sweet, let us be joined together once more by death." Colden said with a smile showing his knife.
"Never in a million years will she be doing that!" Zayn's voice was heard at the top of the stairs and all eyes were on him. He tossed us our personal knives that we said we would us for fighting only. Catching them, we all faced Colden once more with Zayn doing a frontflip off the stairs and landing next to Liam.
"Well this is not fair. 7 against 1? Uncool." Colden said with a fake pout that turned into an evil smirk. "Oh well, gives me more of a challenge that gets me closer to you my sweet."
"Call her 'My Sweet' one more time and I'll cut your head off!" Niall hissed jealousy filling his words.
"Is the little Irish b*tch jealous?" Colden teased. After that sentence my blood boiled. How dare he call Niall that!
In a flash I was I was I front of Colden with an expressionless face as pulled my fist back and punched him dead in the face. He yelled out in pain as he flew back from the powerful hit. He crashed into the wall and slid down it eyes shut tight. He shook his head and stood. He looked at me with an insane look in his eyes before jumping at me. I didnt have time to move because of his speed, but Liam quickly came from the side and punched him. Colden's body flew to the side and he crashed into the couch. Groaning he got up again, and jumped at Liam with an inhuman speed. Louis was quick to lash his foot out and kick him in the face causing his head to fly back looking like he broke his neck. Unfortunately it didnt break. All that happened was he flew back again, but landed on his feet holding his bleeding nose. Anger flooded through his eyes as he darted towards Louis. Jesus is he only going to attack the person that hurts him when the person that he really wants is standing right here? Man is he lame.
Harry hurried and gripped his wrist, stopping him short and kneed him right in the stomach. Gasping, Colden's eyes widened as he tried to search for air. He landed on the floor clutching his stomach gasping for air while Harry pulled Louis close and jumped away. Colden went to get up, but Zayn kicked him back down.
"Y-you really think you can beat me?" Colden asked chuckling a bit. None of us answered, but we watched as he pulled out a gun and aimed it at Zayn. Our eyes widened as we heard the trigger being pulled.
"NO!" Liam yelled, horror written on his face as Zayn's body fell to the side, blood pouring out of his abdomen. Liam ran over and kicked Colden in the face before sliding towards Zayn's unconscious figure.
"Please be alive." Liam muttered holding him close. Colden spit out some blood before aiming it at Liam whose back was facing him.
"NO!" Niall shouted reaching out going to run over, but Max ran over full speed and jumped in front of Liam as Colden pulled the trigger.
"MAX!" I yelled in panic feeling a piece of my heart break as I watched the dog fall to the side and just lay there. Colden aimed again at Liam and pulled the trigger only this time Niall ran over and jumped in front of Liam, getting shot in the shoulder.
"NIALL!" I shouted in full terror. Niall fell to the side holding his wound as rage filled me.
"Stop trying to save the same person! You should let him get shot!" Colden shouted. "Just like you should let me kill Y/N! We belong together!"
"There is no way in hell I'm going to let that happen!" Niall yelled in pain.
Colden looked towards him aiming the gun. My eyes widened as I quickly shouted out a loud 'No'. Colden looked at me with a weaker expression this time, but held determination in his eyes.
"You want me, come get me." I said and started running up the stairs. I heard Colden getting up and running after me.
I ran to my room and slammed the door shut, locking it before Colden could get here. Banging was heard on my door as I looked for a place to escape.
"OPEN THIS DOOR!" Colden shouted and started to pound on the door. I looked at my window and thought it was the best thing. I rushed over and opened it. Standing on the ledge I looked down at the ground. Deciding not to jump, I turned around facing the window. I reached up standing on my tippy toes and gripped the attic's window ledge. The sound of a fist going through a door was heard and I jumped almost letting go.
"I'm going to come in now Y/N!" Colden said. I pulled myself up and used my foot to shut the window before climbing to the roof. When I was almost done climbing on to the roof when the sound of glass shattering under me was heard. Luck is just not on my side is it?
"Where do you think your going?" Colden yelled at me. I ignored him and stood on the roof. I rushed over towards the other side and when I turned around I saw Colden standing at the edge with an evil grin on his face.
"This is the end." Was all he said before running at me.
End of POV.

I'M BACK BABY! Who cares? Absolutly No one!
Heres a chapter for ya.

Love ya,


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