Chapter 27

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up about 2 hours ago and found the house empty. I'm sitting on the couch wondering where the boys were. Max was here just laying next to me but its not enough to comfort me. I stood up and walked over towards the front door. I opened the door and walked out. I made it down the steps and looked around. A feeling of being watched went up my spine and I looked around even more. Max stood at the top of the porch steps and looked around too.
Suddenly without a sound a person jumped down behind me, wrapped a hand over my mouth and held a knife to my neck. Max quickly barked over and over and went to jump at the man but I held my hand out causing him to stop.
"Finally, i found you." A familiar voice says. "Time to turn you in."
My eyes widened as I realized it was my creepy, perverted neighbor, Mr Jones. He was somewhat young and lived next to me. He would always watch me. One day i was changing in my room and I look out my window to see him staring at me. I have no idea why the window was open but I blushed and slammed the glass shut. I didnt tell my parents because my father would have commited murder.
Anyway he pressed the cold blade to my neck but I wasnt scared.
"Mr. Jones, how nice to see you." I said.
"Quiet good-looking, I'm taking you back to town and I'll get reward money." He sneered.
"Didnt know i meant that much to the town folk." I said.
"Oh you are. And since your parents are dead, i can have some fun." He said and pushed me into the snow. He flipped me on my back and pinned my arms above my head. Why must someone always want to rape me? I sighed in annoyance and slid my legs up under him. He looked shocked but I pushed hard and he flew off me. I got up and saw he dropped his knife. Grabbing it, i walked over towards the man who was being pinned down by Max. I stood next to his face and he looked at me in fear.
"Such a stupid man." I said and threw the knife down. A stab was heard and the wind blew.
"Woah what happened?" I heard Liam ask. I turned and stared at the 5 boys.
"Dont ever try to rape me." I simply said and walked back towards the front door and went inside.
End of POV.
Welp this story is almost over. Couple more chappy's to go.
Hope you enjoyed reading

Love ya,


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