Chapter 26

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Colden's POV:

In just a couple days is when I'll attack. I know it will be my final moments alive and I want to spend them watching the light leave Y/N's eyes. I'm getting weaker and weaker every second. I can't wait any longer. In a couple days, me and my true love will be together forever. We will be dead side by side. I will finally have her all to myself.
End of POV.

Y/N's POV:
After training me and Max went inside and munched on snacks. The boys left for their rooms, so now I'm just watching T.V. and I'm getting terribly bored. I looked at Max who was sleeping on the floor.
Why had this dog come out of nowhere just to stick by my side?
I have a bad feeling about the final battle I'm going to face with Colden. Though I'm keeping my word. I'm not going to die until he does. His life shall be taken first before mine. But if I do will the boys react. I've been with them long enough for them to care about me. I hope they can deal with my death a little. I dont want them upset.
Why am i even thinking about death? This is crazy. I'm taking a nap.
I laid on the couch and once my head hit the pillow, i was enveloped in a world of darkness.
End of POV.
New chappy!
Hope you enjoyed.

Love ya,


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