Chapter 4

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I stared at them as they slowly got up. I don't know why I didn't run but for some reason I couldn't, so I waited for them to get up as I sat in the chair. They finally got up and I guess they forgot about me because they started talking like I wasn't there.

"She knows how to fight." Liam said.

"Yeah. She sure knows how to kick." Louis said.

"Yeah, but where did she go?" Harry asked.

"Trying looking." I said and they looked at me with shock.

"Your still here?" Niall asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Why didn't you run?" Zayn asked.

"Didn't want to." I said and leaned back into the chair. They stared at me at me a little longer and I was starting to get irritated.

"What?!" I snapped and they jumped.

"Why did we kidnap her again?" Niall asked.

"Because that's what we do." Harry said.

"No we rob." Louis said.

"Yeah but now people will know that we kidnap." Harry said.

"Okay enough of this. Why?" I asked and the attention was back on me.

"Why what?" Zayn asked.

"Why kidnap me?" I asked.

"Because you were the first person we saw." Liam said and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow. How nice. How long will I be here?" I asked.

"You're stuck with us forever." Louis said and my eyes widened.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Yeah. You can't leave." Niall said.

"That's bull crap!" I shouted and stood up.

"What! We can't let you leave!" Zayn shouted and I gritted my teeth together like they did in the anime's. I glared at them for a moment before sighing and sitting back down. All 5 boys looked at me confused but I ignored them and counted to 10 to control my anger. Nobody really needs to see me angry. So after I finish counting, I looked up at the boys.

"Well, my name is Y/N." I said but they didn't say anything. I stood up and stuck my hand out with a eye-closed smile. "It will be a pleasure living here with you."

They all slowly shook my hand. I could feel the nervousness vibrating off them and that made me mentally smirk.

"But just so you know. I'm going to have a really fun time here." I said finally letting a devious smirk cross my face and I saw the boys go a little pale.

"Yeah. We're happy your here too." Niall said.

"Well of course you will. You did after all kidnap me." I said before walking past them and out of the room.

"What did we just put ourselves into?" I heard Liam mumble causing my smirk to grow.

Oh, what fun it will be.

End of POV.


Sorry for not posting in a long while. I've just been really busy, I've been reading tons of fanfics but of course to really top things off. I have school.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

Love ya,


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