Chapter 1 - The Secrets Begin

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Chapter One

"Come on, Haven, he's checking you out. Go ask for his number, what's it gonna hurt?" Jerry was always doing this to me, even though she knew I already had a boyfriend. Hell, she even hooked us up!

Jerry White was five-foot nothing, with long blond hair, and green eyes that put emerald to shame. She was the schools beauty queen. The one all girls envied, but secretly wanted to be friends with, and the one all guys wanted to date - or get in her pants. Either way, everyone wanted her. I was the schools second beauty queen, but i never wanted to be one. Being popular was never something i really cared about. To Jerry, it meant everything! Maybe that's what makes us great friends. Opposites do attract after all.

"Yeah, Jerry, that would so cool if it weren't for the fact that I was dating James. Why don't you go give him your number?" I was not going to let her tell me what to do. We may be best friends, but I am not her little bitch to boss around.

"Well, he is cute, but I'm with Anthony, so it isn't right." And there comes her bitchiness in action.

"Oh, and I'm not dating James? Besides, Anthony won't care. He's like your little puppy. He'll do anything for you, but you're too big of a bitch to realize!" That shut her up. She deserved it. Anthony Parker was an amazing guy, who really liked her. Plus, he was a cutie pie with his dirty blond hair, and sea blue eyes. She just wanted him because he was the captain of the football team, and he gave her sex.

I must have really pissed her off because when i looked up, she was leaving. I didn't care. Me and Jerry got into at least 5 fights a week, but always ended up making up.

I started to make my way home. It took me a way to realize that my phone was ringing.


"Hey babe, wanna come over? I have a free house tonight." It was James. Since my plans with Jerry failed, i decided to join him.

"Sure, I'll be over in a bit." I hung up, and took a taxi to his house.

* * *

"Babe, its raining, and you're wearing mini shorts. Is something wrong with you?" I didn't realize it was raining till i got out of the taxi and almost fell face first into a puddle. Luckily, James was there to catch me.

"I didn't notice," I mumbled, and he took my inside.

It wasn't till I was inside that I noticed how cute James was. He was tall with black, short hair, and blue eyes. They had a certain sparkle to them. Not to mention he's built. I love built guys.

"What are you looking at?" I didn't realize that I was starring. That's when it hit my that I was soaking wet, mascara running down my face, and hair about to go from Beyonce to lion king in half an hour.

"I don't know. I never noticed how hot you were before," my face was beet red. I had never been this way in front of James before.

"Thank you for noticing and for doubting that I was ugly before." He had a sexy half smile on his face. Man I wanted him. I wanted him bad. What was I thinking I already had him!

"That's not what I meant! Can we change the subject?" My face was so red, it was now black, and I didn't even think it was possible.

"Sure, and while we're at it, lets change your clothing. And if you want I can help you undress, and you can undress me...." His arms were around my waist, and his lips were making their way to my neck. Usually I would have pushed him off, but today, I let him. It felt nice. Someone was wrong with me today. I never felt this way towards him. His hand was making its way up my shirt, and that's when I snapped out of it.

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