Chapter 6 - Adventure 2;Day 2

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He was chasing me, everywhere I went. I couldn't get away. This is the same this as three years ago, only this time, she isn't here to save me! I tripped over the same broken floor board. He's catching up! He'll kill me this time for sure. He grabbed me but the collar. His breath smelled of weed and beer mixed together. Honestly, I don't want to die smelling this!

"Time to kill this bitch once and for all. You were a mistake. You always were, and you always will be!" He lifted the knife, and I yelled. It came down.

"Haven! Haven, wake up, please!" It was Lucas. I was in his room. My cheeks were wet from tears.

"W-what happened." I stuttered, still shaking. He put his arms around me and stroked my hair.

"You were having a bad dream." Then I remembered being in that house again, him chasing me after he got high, and not having her there this time to save me. I've had this dream countless times before, ever since I was three.

"Yeah, I guess I was." I just sat there. He waited.

"Are you going to tell me what it was? My mom said it always helped to talk about it." I faced him. I wanted to tell him, I really did! I'm just not ready to go threw it yet. Only Julian and Robin know about it, and even them with force. I always woke up screaming and they took my to a physiologist. I knew what they meant, but I couldn't tell Lucas. Not yet.

"Shh, baby, whenever you're ready tell me. I'll always be willing to hear." I rested my head on his shoulder. I looked outside and it was morning. Good thing. It felt as if I was forgetting something. Then I remembered.

"Luc, where's Mercy?" He looked up.

"Ah! Lucas, get your ass down here and tell my why the hell there's a fur ball in my house!" It was Kevin. He sounded like a girl, I couldn't help but laugh!

"I think I found her." Lucas said, rushing out of bed. I followed him into the living room and picked up Mercy.

"I'm so sorry, Kevin, I forgot all about her!" I argued my case. Kevin was on top of the couch, holding a slipper in his hand. I laughed.

"Dad, might want to come down from there." He realized where he was standing and came down. Damn this was priceless! Where's a camera when you need it. Then I remembered how I looked and stopped. Well, karma is a bitch I guess.

"S-sh-she's yours?" He couldn't get the words out. Oh come on, Mercy didn't bit! Actually she was more scared of you then you were of her.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Hav, we'll take her home today after breakfast." I nodded, and took Mercy to Lucas' bedroom.

* * *

"Honestly, Hav, do we have to start each day with a surprise? Yesterday my dad. Today Mercy, tomorrow you'll see an elephant in the washroom!" I laughed. We finsihed breakfast and were now on the road to my house.

"Hey, remember you like the fact that I can surprise you." It was his turn to laugh now. Mercy sat on my lap, looking much better then she did before. A day alone in the Matthews house really did the trick!

"Okay, here we are." He parked outside my door. I saw my dad's car and no mom. This is not going to be pretty.

"Dad? I'm home!" I called out. Please don't answer. Please don't be home.

"In here sweetie." Great. He's home. Lets get ready for hell to break lose. We walked over to the living room where dad was telling the cooks to make him some lunch.

"Hello sweet - who are you?" Gosh he didn't even finish.

"Hi, I'm Haven's...."

"Dad he's my friend. " Lucas gave me the look. I couldn't tell my dad I just broke it off with James and started dating Lucas right away. I sound like a slut saying that in my head. Lucas must have understood my point.

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