Chapter 12 - Lucas's Point Of View

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I went home feeling like shit. Did I actually just agree to be on Jerry's side? I must be loosing it. But it's my fault, and I need to know what she has planned. I need to keep Haven safe, and I'll do whatever it takes. Even if it means sleeping with that whore. As long as I know Haven is fine, I'll do it. Thanks to Anthony, she's been safe. Only he knows what's really going on. Man that's guys amazing! I sure hope things go good with that girl he's trying to impress, but it seems she already likes him, though. 

I went to my room, well the room I had right now. There was no way I was going back to my dads. And after what I told grandma, she won't let me. That Kelly is a bitch! Just like her daughter! I jumped onto my bed, and tried to sleep until I herd some noise outside. I went to my window to see two cars, Haven's and someone else's. What the fuck is going on? I had to get to the door before my grandma did. 

The door bell rang.

"I'll get it Nana Sarah!"

I ran to the door and opened it to see Haven standing there, with Bethany, Avery and Maddie behind her. Anthony and some other guy names Trent weren't far behind.

Haven looked beautiful. Her golden brown eyes were shining in the evening light, as her hair blew in the wind. I wanted to grab her and kiss her right then and there, but I wouldn't. It would mean her being unsafe.

"Haven, what are you doing her-" She cut me off.

"Cut the crap, Lucas. You teamed up with Jerry now?" I looked down. She wasn't suppose to find out! Man I was going to kill Parker for telling her. But then again, I never told him not to tell her.

"You little-"

"Shut it, Haven, he's not worth it. He wants to join my slut of a sister, let him." Bethany was mad too now? Huh, I thought Anthony would have told her. She still had no right to interferer, though.

"Don't talk, Bethany, you don't know shit!" I looked up.

"Don't talk to her like that," Haven said, slapping me. I was shocked. She never slapped me. I could see the hint of regret, and I knew she didn't mean it. She tried to cover it, but I knew her! She couldn't hide it from me. Parker showed up with Trent, holding her back. She won't hit me again, I know her. Well, time to make this seem real.

"Did you just slap me?" I put on my best 'I'm pissed off voice'.

"Problem?" When she said that, I leaned in. Not to hit her, to kiss her. I didn't care anymore, I wanted to feel her lips, and that's what I was going to do! Trent and Anthony must have thought I was going to hit her, because they held me back. Are they stupid? I would never hit a girl, especially Haven! Hell, I wouldn't even hit Jerry! 

Every went crazy in a matter of moments. I soon saw Trent carrying Haven away. No, I should be doing that! I should be there for her! 

He drove away with her, and Anthony let go. 

"I wasn't going to hit her, man!" He nodded and I understood now. He knew I wanted to kiss her. Thanks to him, I didn't almost blow my cover! Thanks Parker, maybe I won't kill you today! Hopefully that girl of yours falls for you. Bethany, Avery, and Maddie went to the car. Anthony stayed to talk for a bit. 

"Don't blow this, dude. Be carefull not to fall into her and kiss her. It'll ruin everything!" I nodded at him and he went off. I went back in my room, smiling for the first time in days. Haven was finally safe. Hopefully, when this is all over, I can finally be with her. Only time will tell. 

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