Chapter 14 - Daddys Little Princess

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The officer came out with the person who is suppose to be my father. He was in an orange jump suit and in hand cuffs. I sat down at the table there, my friends standing behind me. He came and sat across from me. No one spoke while the officer gave us the rules.

"Understand?" I nodded my head and he went and sat at the door.

"I've been waiting for this day for thirteen years, Haven." I looked up at him.

"Why?" My question had shocked him.

"Why what?" He was playing stupid.

"Why is the sky blue? You know what I mean. Why did you hate me so much you tried to end my life? What did I do?" He looked down. After a while of him starring at his hands, he looked up.

"Well, the reason the sky is blue is-"

"Answer her fucking question!" Anthony yelled behind me.

"Because I was scared!" He started to cry.

"I didn't know how to be a father and you didn't deserve the life I'd give you! I wanted you to go back to where you belonged, with God. Not with me. And I didn't kill your mother. She killed herself but it was to get away from me. I'm a devil, Haven, and you or your mother didn't deserve me. I'm sorry!" He cried more. I went over to him, the officer completely mad that I broke the rule to not getting up, and hugged my dad.

"I love you Haven. And I am so proud of what you have become. Please always remember that." I nodded my head.

"I love you too dad!" The officer cleared his throat. 

"Dude, have some respect, they haven't seen each other in like what thirteen years." Trent blurted out.

"Son, I am a man of authority and can have you arrested for telling me how to do my job." Trent's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

"Dad!" We all laughed. So it turned out that the officer was Trent's father. I went and sat back down in my seat. Me and my father caught up on a lot of things. It was nice to finally have someone of the same blood to talk to.

"I have good news, Haven. I'm being released in two months." I was shocked. It was great news, don't get me wrong, but it was too soon. I just met him and yes he's my father, but I'm still not so comfy with the idea of him being out of jail.

My phone started to ring. It was my mother. I answered it.


"Hi honey, your father and I are back. Where are you? It's a school day and I thought we talked about this. No skipping unless you check with us." She sounded happy, yet still have that 'How many times do I have to say this' motherly tone.

"Mom it was for a good reason! I came to see my dad."

"Michael?" She blurted it out.

"Yes, mom and it has bee-"

"Haven Jessica Bonnie, you get home right now young lady!"

"But mom-"

"No buts! Home now!" I hung up. What was her problem? She never got mad, but she's mad now?

"What happened?" Bethany came and hugged my.

"My mom wants me to go home." My father was the first to speak.

"You're mother is dead. She is not your mother." I turned to him. He had a point, but she was still the woman who raised me.

"Actually, she is my mother. And Robin is my father. They were the people there when I needed a home. And I'm going to respect them, and go home like how they asked." He laughed under his breath.

"You do that, Haven. But when I'm out of here, you're coming with your real father." The way he said it sent chills down my spin. I left without saying bye, my friends shortly behind me. No one said a word till we got out.

"What was that all about?" Avery asked, clearly freaked out. I looked at her.

"I don't know."

*          *          *

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I walked into my house, Anthony behind me. Everyone else went to school but since it was Anthoy's turn to watch over me, he stayed. Honestly, it's not like I'm going to do something stupid! But then again, I'm a girl. I wouldn't be surprise if I went to school with my head shaved one day just because it wouldn't stay down.

My mom came running from the kitchen. She held me in a tight bear hug.

"Mom, I'm fine. He's changed." She pulled me to arms legnth.

"That criminal will never change! I don't want you seeing him."

"But mom-"

"Haven, listen to your mother." My dad know showed up. I glared at both of them.

"So this is it? You guys are teaming up agaisnt me? Fine!" I walked away. I herd them tell Anthony to make sure I don't go back. So much for having supportive parents!

*          *          *

School was a bust. I didn't go to any classes. Instead me, Bethany, Avery, Maddie, Anthony, and Trent just hung out at our lockers. Avery and Trent were holding hands wile Bethnay and Anthony kept kissing every five seconds. Did I say five? Make that one. Maddie and me were left to comfort each other. Ha! You thought I was serious? Me and her was making fun of the others together.

After the tenth billion kiss, I walked over to Bethany and Anthony and sat in between them.

"Problem, Hav?" Bethany smiled but I knew she was killing me seven times in her head right now.

"Yes, too much PDA!" Anthony laughed. Bethany glared. Trent smirked. Maddie high fived me. And Avery sat there looking dumber than James. And that's dumb.

"What's PDA?"

"Public Display of Affection." I explain but she still looked confused.

"We're making out in public, Avery!" Anthony yelled it, causing some teachers to come out of their rooms and tell us to shut it. When they went back into their rooms, we bursted out laughing. Our laughing came to an end when Jerry came by with Drina, the girl she was with when she had her three-some (her name is Klover; and trust me, that name does not suit her!) and Lucas?!

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the loser group." I stood up to face Jerry, makig no eye contact with Lucas. I couldn't look at him. I'd burst into tears if I did.

"What do you want Jerry? None of these guys will sleep with you. They don't want STD's." She glared at me. I smirked. Yeah, bitch, I exposed you.

"Haven, honestly sweetie, stop the act. Everyone knows you are not a virgin!" It was my turn to glare at her. I squeezed my hand into a fist at my side.

"Careful Jerry, she wants to punch you!" Drina said, sounding scared. Jerry didn't break eye contact with me.

"She won't do it." I smiled and rested my hand.

"You're right, I won't punch you." I raised my hand and bitch slapped her. Something that I wanted to do for the longest time. She fell to the floor while Klover and Drina tried to help her up. Lucas just stood there, mouth forming an 'O' shape.

"But I will slap you!" I said as all my friends got up. We were all laughing.

"Don't just stand there, Lucas. Help me up!" He shook his head and helped her.

"Hey, you kids!" I looked down the hall. It was a hal monitor.

"Run!" Anthony yelled and we all split up. Maddie and me went out one door. Trent and Avery out another, and Bethany and Anthony through another. I don't know what Jerry and her so called friends did. Since Maddie had brought her car today, we took it. I called Beth and she was on her way to Starbucks. I said we'd meet them there. I called Avery and she was coming with Trent. Maddie and I ran to the car, some teacher not far behind us. We jumped inside her black SUV.

"Hurry up and start it!" I yelled at her.

"I'm trying!" She yelled back. Just as the teachers were about to bust us, she started the car, and we drove off.     

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