Chapter 20 - Lucas' Secret

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I waited another fifteen minutes until I was sure Michael was asleep. I checked my phone but I didn't have any messages. I guess I have to trust Anthony on this. I made my way across the house to the first room I was in. Still no comfortable calling it my room. I opened the door quietly and started to enter the room when I was attacked. Lucas was on top of me and Angelo was coming to me with a pole. 

"Come one Lucas, I know we're dating but this isn't the time to have sex!" Lucas looked at me and stopped Angelo from hitting me with the pole. They helped me up, even though it was their fault I was down on the floor. 

"Haven how did you get away?" I looked up at Angelo. His hand was still tied to the pole and I realised how they got away. 

"Same way you did. Let's be glad the house is really rusty." Everyone giggled except Lucas. I turned to him. He was mad. Great, I come to the rescue and he's mad! 

"What did I do now?" His face was turning red. 

"It's not what you did; it's what you didn't do. You didn't shut up when I told you, you didn't leave the car when I told you, you didn't listen to when I said don't answer your phone. Shall I continue?" I glared at him. No way was he blaming things on me. 

"Don't you dare sit there and tell me how I don't do what you say. I listen to you when I know you mean it! I don't need to be protect Lucas!" 

"Haven, listen to yourself. You sound like a bigger bitch then Jerry!" I stood there shocked. He did not just say that to me! He must have saw the look in my eyes when his face changed. 

"Haven I-" 

"No Lucas just stop. You always do this. Once I feel like we're back on track you have to ruin it." 

"What do I have to do to prove to you I love you Haven! Tell me and I'll do it." He wants to know what he has to do? I'll tell him. 


"Why what?" 

"Why did you leave me the time everyone thought I was pregnant?" He looked down. Yup, I got him. 

"Because Jerry was-" 

"Cut the crap Lucas and tell me. Why did you do it?" He stood there for a moment and pulled me to the bed. 

"Before I moved here, I had a girlfriend named Elana. I was shy back then and she brought me out of it. We started off as best friends but when I couldn't handle it anymore, I confessed to her how I felt and she told me she felt the same way. We started dating. After two years, we decided to loose our V-card to each other. So we did. My mom warned me about it, though. Said I was too young and things could have happened. I didn't listen. Obviously I would use a condom. So when we were, uh, doing it, the condom broke. Couple of weeks later, she came back and told me she was pregnant. I didn't believe her and snapped. I told her she was a whore and slept around. That she wasn't a virgin before she met me, and she ran off crying. My mom herd everything and went after her. I was looking through the window when a car came by and killed them. Drunk driver. Because of me, I killed my mother and my girlfriend. After that, I never wanted to love another girl ever again. So I became a player until I met you. At first, I just wanted to get in your pants, but then I got to know you better and saw what you went through and I fell in love. This time, it was more. When the rumor went around, everything that you helped me get over came out and I couldn't take it so I ended it. It ended up being the biggest mistake I ever did, next to calling Elana a whore." He looked down and I saw a tear coming down his face. I placed my hand on his cheek. 

"Lucas, I didn't know." He laughed a bit. 

"Of course you didn't. I never opened up to you. Everyone has their dirty little secrets, remember? Mine was that and yours was, well you're kind of living it right now." I laughed and someone came and touched my shoulder. It was Angelo. 

"Don't mean to intrude but we have to leave and fast." Lucas and I nodded our heads and we got up. 

Sneaking through the house was hard. Every floor board made a sound. Every noise was Michael getting up. By the time we reached the bottom, everyone was relieved. We walked to the door, Angelo first then me and then Lucas. Angelo wanted to be last but no one else knew the way so Lucas offered to be at the back. I offered first but the boys didn't let me. 

Once we reached the door, Angelo tugged on it, trying to open it. 

"It won't open!" Lucas and I looked at Angelo. What did he mean it won't open?

Lucas came in front of me, also trying to open it. 

"He's right. It's almost as if it's-" 

"Locked?" We turned around to see Michael standing at the end of the hall, blockin all other exits. In his hand he held something long and shinny. I like shinny. Wait a second, it's a knife! Never mind, I don't like all shinny things. 

"I see Angelo I see Haven, I see Lucas now what a mess. I see door, I see it's locked, I see trapped by the one with the knife. Like that rhyme Haven? Your mother used to say one to you every night just like that one." I stood there, for the first time this whole day, scared of what Michael might do. Could do. 

"Now, we can do this the hard way, or the easy way. You pick." 

A/N: Hey guys! So I've been updating a lot lately to make up for my really late update on Chapter 18. Sorry but I was super busy and kind of had a writers block. So, some questions I'm wondering, How do you guys feel about Angelo? Sexy or not? The book is close to the end. I'm thinking about 10 more chapters..... So update on the secrets, the only secret left is Jerry's and that one will be revealed later on in the story when Lucas is in the.....*not telling!* Her secret is worth the wait so keep reading! Love you all<3 

Oh and it's dedicated to my friend Mora (BlackestOfKats) because the humor in this chapter reminds me of her. Love you boo!

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