Chapter 18 - Kidnapped

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My butt was in the air, as I tried to sit properly, and get a better look at who was driving. After a few tries (and a couple hits in Lucas' head) I was finally able to sit down properly on his lap. His being Lucas of course. I'm not sitting on someone that I don't know's lap! I finally got settled in and had a chance to look at my kidnapper. My mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"Dad? What the fuck?" My father, Michael Bonnie, smirked.

"Hello Haven. What a great family gathering. Now try and keep your boyfriend here quiet, before you end up tied up, and I don't want to do that to my little angel now do I?" I looked at Lucas, who's eye were looking worried.

"I told you to leave!" He whispered in my ear. I ignored him and kept looking at my dad. Wasn't he suppose to be in jail? I asked him. He laughed at my question.

"It's called getting out for good behavior. Now I can catch up on everything I missed doing with you. once I get rid of him." He pointed at Lucas. No, he wouldn't touch him.


"That's not for you to decide!" I looked at Lucas. No way in hell was I about to let my father hurt him.

"Please! Don't hurt him, and I'll do anything you ask. Just let him go!" He looked at me, a creepy smile coming on his face.

"Or, you're going to do what I say whether you like it or not!" He slapped me. Lucas struggled a bit, but I just sat him down and buried my face in the curve of his neck. What was going to happen?

After what seemed like hours of driving, we reached our destination. I looked at the broken down house and I felt a pain for remembrance from it.

"Where are you?" I asked, as my father tied me up with Lucas and pulled us in the house. He didn't answer until we were inside and all the doors were locked. He didn't need to anymore. I knew where we were.

"Home." was all he said. He had brought me back to the place I had spent my first three years of my life at. The place where my mother died.

My father started to take us up the stairs, leading me to my old room. He tied Lucas' hands the the bed pole and did the same with me.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere and I want this door open." He laughed as he left the room. We both struggled as much as we could to get out. It was no use. He was good at tying people up - and I should know from experience.

"I told you to leave!" I looked at Lucas. He snapped.

"I wouldn't leave you behind!" He started to talk until I cut him off.

"If it was me who told you to leave while being tie up would you leave?" He looked down.

"Thought so." We sat there is silence for a while. I herd Michael downstairs in the kitchen making something. I decided not to call him 'dad'. He lost that chance when you kidnapped me and my boyfriend.

"Haven, listen to me, if you get the chance, I want you to run and never look back." His words caught me off guard. The hell I'll leave him behind!

"Did he drug you or something? I'm not leaving you." Lucas glared at me so I glared back.

"Look, he won't hurt me. I'm his daughter. Right now, I'm scared for you! Which means you should be too." It wasn't a lie. He wouldn't hurt me as long as Lucas was alive. He's going to go after Lucas so I need to be there to protect him.

"But Haven-" Someone rang the door bell. What the hell? Michael went to answer it. As if me or Lucas can - us being tied to the bed and all.

"Hey Angelo! Long time no see, bud!" I herd Michael say. The person - Angelo - returned the greeting.

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