Chapter 16 - Good People, Do Bad Things

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I came up to Anthony and Bethany. Maddie had to go home. They had waiting for me to drive me back home. Sadly, you cannot get you license as fast as I had hoped.

"So, how did it go?" Bethany said seeming happy. I smiled at her.

"Amazing! I can't wait until I go back tomorrow!" Anthony and Bethany were happy for me but they didn't know the real reason why I couldn't wait to go back. I wanted to tell them, but knew I couldn't risk getting me and Lucas in any trouble. So, I just didn't tell them.

"Did you guys find Avery and Trent?" They shook their heads and that's when I realized I had an idea where they were. I smirked as Anthony and Bethany looked at me as if I was crazy.

"I know where they are." We went to the car and Anthony drove us over to Trent's house. They hand to be there. Avery's parents never left their house while Trent's parents never came home.

"Okay guys, sneak through the back. I know where the spare key is." Anthony had come over Trent's house before so he knew all the details. We did as he told us, making or way over to the back yard. We were waiting for him as he opened the door. He opened it quietly and we all tip toed inside. Their house was dark with no lights on. It was a regular size house and had cozy furniture that looked as if it was just screaming "Sit on me please!" I resisted the urge. The house seemed empty, and at first I thought maybe I was wrong. Just as I was about to tell the others to leave, we heard some noise upstairs. I smirked at each other and we started walking upstairs. The noise seemed to be coming from Trent's parents room. Honestly? Having sex where your parents do? That's gross.

Anthony held the knob, turning it slowly, then yanking the door opened yelling "BUSTED!" We were shocked to see that it wasn't Trent and Avery. It was Trent's parents having sex! Everyone stood there in shock, until Trent and Avery came running in the room.

"What happened?" Asked Avery until she realized.

"Mom? Dad?" Trent sounded horrified.

"Hi son.How was school?" Trent's father asked, his face turning beat red. Anthony shut the door and everyone ran outside, horrified at what we had seen. Honestly, the grossest thing I have ever seen and I saw my boyfriend have a three-some!

"Um, Trent, what was that?" Avery's voice was lower then ever, and that's something to say. Avery can barley be herd at her normal voice level. Trent looked at her, then looked away. 

"Please, let's never talk about this again." Everyone nodded their heads. Oh trust me, Trent, no one wants to. 

Anthony changed the subject. 

"Where were you guys?" Avery turned beat red. Busted. I smirked at the thought. 

"We got...side tracked." Trent said, also now red. Man they really were the best couple. Bethany joined me in smirking at them. 

"Drop it!" Wow, I guess Avery does have a mean side. I laughed at the thought. Sweet little Avery can't. She's to nice, which is why she's an amazing person to know. 

My phone started to ring. It was Maddie. She was done her chores and wanted to know if we'd be up to hang out. I answered for everyone, knowing we needed to take our minds off of this and said yes. 

"Let's go guys!" They all starred at me. 

"Where?" Beth asked. 

"Indoor skating of course!" 

*          *          *

Trent and Avery went in Trent's car and I went with Bethany and Anthony. Usually I'd go with Maddie to give both couples some space, but since I was going to meet her there, Anthony told me to come with them. I wanted to drive there since I've been learning, but then everyone thought that I'd go killing people in car crashes. Gosh people I know the difference between bumper cars and driving! Plus, I had a good teacher who may I say, did a lot with me. I sat in the back and started to text him. He started and I didn't want to be rude (You do you think I am to not answer him?). 

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